MovieChat Forums > Michael Jackson Discussion > Arnold Klein USED AND ABUSED Michael Jac...

Arnold Klein USED AND ABUSED Michael Jackson

Demerol was the reason. He first started taking it as a painkiller after his surgery in the 1980s. But Arnold Klein started injecting him with it regularly after the Chandler scandal broke, because Michael was in so much pain. When the body becomes tolerant to this drug, it starts asking for more. One of the ways the body tells the patient that it's asking for more is with the symptoms of anxiety, insomnia - and more pain. Michael had a very low tolerance to physical pain. So Michael got used to the drug and Klein made lots of money. Michael didn't start using Propofol as a sleeping aid until the late 1990s. Klein persuaded Michael to start having botox injections. Michael tended to sweat a lot and Klein advised him that by injecting botox into Michael’s sweat glands, it would help reduce sweating. After each session, Michael was in a lot of pain and needed Demerol. While Michael was away from California after the Arvizo verdict, he was looked after by a naturopath and his sleep routine stabilised naturally. He was free from prescription drugs. Klein nearly went bankrupt while Michael was away. Michael returned to California on his mother’s persuasion and reconnected with Klein. It was David Geffen who introduced Klein to Michael in 1983. If he had never met Klein, Michael might still be alive.


And I believe Klein bleached MJs skin, before introducing him to the concept of chemical vitiligo. Michael had lupus which caused some blotching, but no aggressive skin disease.
