MovieChat Forums > Angelina Jolie Discussion > QUESTION - How HOT is Angelina Jolie ?

QUESTION - How HOT is Angelina Jolie ?

On a Scale of 1 to 10, 10 being INFERNO!
How Hot do you yourself think Angelina Jolie is ?

For me, I most definitely rate her a 10. What about everyone else ?


She used to be hot, she’s too skinny now.


Not only is she rapidly losing her looks... There is no bigger boner-killer on this planet than a pack of badly behaved children!

She won't be able to pull another husband like Pitt, not with those monsters in tow.


Definitely a 10, she is smokin’.


She has never been anything more than big breast, lips, and a passable face in her youth. Everyone went nuts over her in Tomb Raider but they were only fixated on her tets and thus did not notice her knobby joints and horrid legs. She never had a good body. Then she let one of those chicken stems jut out of a slit in her dress and the Hollywood press lost their minds to the point of naming the phenomenon after her. Mind blowing how hard the media tried to push her on us.
Early AJ: 8/10 (for the face alone)
AJ: 5/10 (kinda gross)

Her personality and talent are entirely different discussions. But to sum respectively: 3/10 and 5/10 (does great accents and sometimes above average performances but often below)

tl;dr 5/10


I'll be polite and say 5/10, because the face still looks good.

Everything else, though...


I'll give her a 10. Someone has to be a 10.
She's a little extreme, and it's hard for me to believe she's completely natural.
There are other women I'm sure I find more appealing, Banks and McAdams being a couple right off the top of my head.
But when I look at the complete visual package that is/was A Jolie at her best, she seems to have it all in spades.
Smoldering hot.


5/10 ... she is old, annoying, and her face looks like a pug dog.


I'm a straight girl so I'm not so sure my answer holds any weight, but 10 years ago I used to think She was unbelievably beautiful. Now? Not so much. Someone here commented on her body and I agree, her torso is pretty boxy with long limbs. When you look closer it's really not that great. Her face on The other hand is still beautiful but overall at this point she's more hype than anything.
