MovieChat Forums > Ben Kingsley Discussion > Is this guy as arrogant as he seems?

Is this guy as arrogant as he seems?

Title says it all really. Ben Kingsley seems like an arrogant sort of chap, can anyone validate this, maybe someone who's met him?


So you care whether a guy you've never met and never will is arrogant.


Im ashamed to say I would spred my legs so fast it would cause a sonic boom -Nweisha


I don't know about you, but if I find out that an actor is a complete jerk I can't enjoy him or her as an actor anymore.

It isn't a matter of "getting a life". It's a matter of investing entertainment dollars.



> if I find out that an actor is a complete jerk I can't enjoy him or her as an actor anymore.

I feel the same way.

In fact, I think the Hollywood and agents know this and that is why they spend so much time on PR stunts. That is also why Hollywood pretends to be Liberal, because they are not. The whole Liberal Hollywood is a bad joke.

I have the same feeling about movies and their plots as well as musicians and musical groups, I cannot enjoy movies about criminals, and can hardly watch violent movies any longer. I watched Equalizer 2 a few days ago and I just thought it was so horrible and hard to watch.

The stuff kids grow up with these days, and they do not even realize it. I lived at a weird time in history I guess where when I was a kid there was no nudity and a hell or damn would earn a movie and adult rating or keep people away. Now they seem to see how much sex, violence, ugliness and swearing they can jam into a movie, and usually try to shock people as much as possible in the opening scenes.

My country and culture is becoming really ugly, and seems to encourage the worst in people.


I totally get you. The day I learned that Hugh Grant is a total jerk, that was it for me. no cannot get connected or moved by his movies at all..


What actor is not a total jerk, and why do you think that? I think a lot of stories and things you hear about actors are PR stunts ... and they pay a lot to keep their images good and before the public's eyes. That is why I am skeptical about actors until I really see them do something that is serious that they commit themselves on.

When society gives someone a position of power and so much money, we should expect them to do something with it to give back, and so many are just like selfish children.


Im the same way, I know where your coming from. In my opinion kingsley is a jerk. He demands to be called sir the whole time. I can't stand that *beep*


...but if I find out that an actor is a complete jerk I can't enjoy him or her as an actor anymore. oh dear, what a sensitive moron.

"investing entertainment dollars"

the *actor* is a jerk and you refuse to invest your money. okay then, what about the executive producers and marketing distributors all along the assembly line, chuck a stone in a group of them and you're bound to hit another *beep* there - you going to withhold your "investment dollar" then ??

Lauren Prosnan : Hollywood is God's way of saying America matters.


judge the art, not the artist.


the artist gives context to the art.


I don't watch those guys on screen.

And while I may be a moron, at least I can get my point across without littering my post with emoticons.

Checkmate, my friend!


he's a great actor but he sounds like a jerk. I met Jennifer Jason Leigh, after seeing her in a play in NYC years ago, and she wasn't friendly at all. I always liked her and I don't care to see her in anything any more. It really is a turn off when they act rude. It wouldn't kill them to be somewhat friendly, especially towards someone who just paid money to see their play.
