The Pacific

Saw a preview of it last night, it looks amazing...always liked Joseph Mazzello, glad to see him in this...keep making good movies!!!

don't you know there ain't no devil, theres just God when he's drunk...


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Has anyone seen the miniseries so far? I don't have HBO, so I have to wait until the DVD comes out!

"Sometimes I doubt your commitment to sparkle motion!" -Donnie Darko


I've seen the first two episodes tonight, Joe's role in those two episodes was very minor as it focused on two other marines mostly, but at the end of episode 2 it really sets up Eugene Sledge and I think he's going to be a huge character in the rest of this series.

Joe has done a terrific job so far, can't wait to see him get more to do and immerse himself in the character.

Second chances are rare man, you shoud learn to take better advantage of em'


He's got a lot more screentime now, and he's wonderful! He's definitely got "star power", he steals the scenes he's in, now that might be because he's handsome too though, hehe.


I have been anticipating to see this series since I heard about it a few years ago and when I heard Joe Mazzello was in it, i was ten times more excited. I have always been a fan of his since I was a young kid. The last two episodes (#5 and 6 I believe) have been developing his character a lot more and I absolutely love him in it!! Those two episodes were by far the best episodes yet. Next week looks amazing, cant wait!
However on the Pacific thread I read some mixed reviews about his casting. He happens to be my favorite character in the series. Always thought he was such a strong and realistic actor, hope I see more of him in the near future.


However on the Pacific thread I read some mixed reviews about his casting. He happens to be my favorite character in the series. Always thought he was such a strong and realistic actor, hope I see more of him in the near future.

The people griping about Mazello being cast as Eugene Sledge most likely know nothing about the real man, and haven't read With the Old Breed at Peleliu and Okinawa.(One of the books that is the basis for The Pacific) They probably prefer some muscular actor that looks like an all-American hero, but nothing like the real Eugene Sledge.

For a comparison of the actor and the real man:

Mazello looks just like the real man, and he sounds like him too. He's got Sledge's accent down, and so far his performance has been great.


Hi everyone!

For once, I'm really happy to be Belgian because - Yes! - we have the series here!!!
Usually, most of good stuff stay stuck on the other side of the Atlantic ocean, so you can easily understand how happy I am.

Here, in Europe, we mostly don't know much about what happenned in the Pacific War.
I'm glad to watch a series about it. It makes me wanna read books to know more!

Anyway, I was about the same age as Joe when I saw him for the first time in 'Jurassic Park'. I can remember it like it was yesterday. I felt every single thing his character went through; it's like I was there with him and - believe me or not - that's why I wanted to become a movie reviewer, that's why I'm obessed with films, that's why I'm a movie buff!

So, now I get to the point : I feel exactly the same way when I'm watching 'The Pacific'! It' like I'm there with him, going through that sh*t with him....
Not much actors can give me shivers like Joe does and I think it's a shame we don't get to see him more often on the big screen! Hope 'The Pacific' will allow him to be known more widely amongst movie makers.

If you're reading this, Joe, THANK YOU!

P.S.: If I made mistakes, I'm terribly sorry : it's 3 am and I'm exhausted ;-)


It's kinda ruining the Pacific for me. I'm waiting for Veliciraptors, Kevin Bacon, or abusive fathers to come charging after him at any point.
