MovieChat Forums > Nancy McKeon Discussion > Nancy McKeon is turning her back on the ...

Nancy McKeon is turning her back on the Entertainment Industry.

You heard it right!

It looks like we won't ever be seeing or hearing Nancy McKeon in anything new(at least for 5 years) as she plans to bring up her daughter and soon to be born new child. She plans to raise both children in a rural part of Texas full time all year round. She's in the process of selling her California home and her gas-guzzling sports car and starting a brand-new life and brand new career she simply calls motherhood. So it looks like Nancy has finally called it quits to anything acting/entertainment/media related.


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Why are you making up these stories?


I don't make up stories. It's just something I've heard.


More importantly, why are you saying the same exact thing in three different threads? She hasn't even made her decision about acting yet, if there's even one to be made! I'm sure she'll have the baby, wait a few months, then do another movie or show. She has always acted and it's something she loves to do, but face it, her children won't be little forever. She wants to spend as much time with them as she could, for good reason, obviously. Would you please just stop jumping to conclusions??

~Selena Forever~
~Nancy McKeon Fan~


Probably safer to just ignore him. Of course there are no sources for these alleged beliefs, but whatever...


Screw you, mapmanmsl! Have you even heard of the Writer Guild Strike that's been going on for awile, now? Nancy McKeon has NOT turned her back on the Entertainment industry, you retard! Nancy McKeon (since 2007) most likely has been waiting for something (TV show/movie-wise) good to come up that she can audition for the role on! But nothing good has been coming from Hollywood scripts that interests Nancy McKeon due to the Writers Guild Strike that has been going on for awile now!

Am I mostly right that the Writers Guild Strikes and other Hollywood-like strikes that affects TV shows and film/movies may be the thing that's keeping us from seeing Nancy in anything new (besides the Without a Trace eppisode)?

You wait and see when the strikes are over, because Nancy McKeon will come back once again to starring in at least one film per year (if not, starring in another TV series full time!)

Here's the list from 2003 and up!

2003-The Division and Comfort and Joy
2004-Category 6 D.O.D.
2005-2006-Wildhearts (started filming in 2005 (finished in summer 2006)
2007-1 eppisode of Without a Trace!(Yes, only a guest starring role, but better than nothing, considering the Writers Guild Strike was just beginning around that time!)
late 2007-Jan. 2008-No new roles yet(due to the Writers Guild Strikes!)

So what does that tell you, Mapmanmsl the troll? That Nancy McKeon is not, I repeat, not even retired!


Too late... the entertainment industry turned first.


check her where is she now section. it says she has officially retired from acting and is focused on raising her kids the traditional way.
