MovieChat Forums > Meat Loaf Discussion > Met him a few weeks ago and very impress...

Met him a few weeks ago and very impressed.

My wife and I are on vacation in the Florida Keys, wonderful this time of year. And while eating at a tiki hut we notice him sitting by himself at the bar. Well, long story short we talk to him and he is very nice, told us about a great place to see dolphins swimming not to far from where we were staying. I even got him to give me an autograph on my wife's jacket which I might try and sell on eBay, his penmanship is a bit sloppy but I'm sure we can get something for it.


You "met him a few weeks ago...."?

No you didn't. He died last year.


Well who the hell was the guy who signed my wife's jacket?


Obviously not Meatloaf, aka Marvin Lee Aday. Don't you see the RIP threads on this page? Didn't you hear about him dying in the news last year?


Those are all the way down the page and people constantly post RIP threads for celebrities, which I think is wrong but no rule against it I guess. With the amount of people suddenly dropping dead lately I must have missed it on the news.

I also think if someone calls a person meatloaf several times throughout a meeting the person should correct them and say, I'm not meatloaf. The signature looks more like a Rick something but like I said it was pretty sloppy.


I know you must be disappointed - and surprised - about what happened but it's still quite a conversation piece. It's not everyone who can say they were duped by a Meatloaf impersonator while on vacation. 🙂


I think you met his cousin, Pot Roast




This place is brining with unfunny assholes.


I think it's being invaded with trolls.


So that explains the vinegary smell!




Good luck selling that jacket with 'Bert Winkle's signature or whoever that was.


You should see his Elvis impersonation.


That's okay, millions of people got Jack Sparrow's autograph at every Disney theme park thinking they met Johnny Depp.
