I know her

My friend, Seba, is her son, so naturally, I know her. She's a really nice lady. I've slept in her bed, I've kissed her(on the cheek, mind you), and just been around her alot. It's pretty weird seing your friend's mom on the big screen.


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i think it is really cool that you konw a real,live actress, and i think that it's cool that's she's your friend's mom. and you said Seba is her son, and your friend? how old are you and him? and is he also going to be in the acting business?


he isn't going to be an actor, or at least, he hasn't shown interest in it yet. I'm 14, and he's 15. He's obsessed with skateboarding.


I wouldn't say I know her, but I've talked to her a couple of times (though it's been many years since last) I live in Frederikshavn, which lies very close to Elling... She seems like a nice person.


Acording to the biopage her son was 12 in june 2003...If that is true, he cant be 15, but is 13 or 14....
