Let's see the DNA

I don't believe that he and River were full brothers. Since their parents were mixed up in some weirdo cult who knows what they were up to or into. I'd like to see the DNA on all of his remaining sibs.


Maximus Decimus Meridius


Agreed. They all look alike to some extent except for River. I'm positive they had different fathers.


I have cousins who are fraternal twins who look nothing alike. One resembles my aunt, the other my uncle. We joke that they don't even look like brothers, let alone twins.

River is the spitting image of Heart. It's not odd that he doesn't resemble his father while the rest of his siblings do. Liberty is a mixture of her parents. She has her mother's (and River's) nose and her father's jaw.


Same here. One of my twin cousins looks like a mash up of his parents. The other is the spitting image of her grandmother when she was her age.


I don't know why some people are acting brand new to the world. Notable differentials in physical features happen all the time with siblings.

Plus, the Phoenixs joined Children of God after River was born.


It's fairly simple when you take into account that River's blonde locks past the age of 14 were studio dye jobs and that he has the plain bad luck of looking most like the sister no one ever sees.



Summer Phoenix and Casey Affleck's kid is plenty DNA;


It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black.


LOL you're trying a little too hard to see what's not there.
Liberty looks just like Joaquin minus the nose. And Indiana is a little copy of Casey. All the sibs have round faces with strong jaws and olive glow, except for River whose face was much slimmer and pale and he didn't have a prominent jaw.


I disagree and feel the opposite of what you do: that people try too hard to see whats not there in terms of liberty phoenix looking like her almond eye, pointed nosed sisters and brother when she very clearly posesses neither of those things.
Conspiracy theories are fun, the truth is dull.

It's like, how much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None more black.


Very true. Plus, look at other celebrity families like the
Sheens and the Culkins.

Some of them look like the mother, some look like the father, and some are a combination. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2011/mar/25/martin-sheen-emilio-estevez-charlie-sheen

Edit: Even twins can look totally different. look at Matthew Broderick's kids:



I agree. There was a time when I thought River might have had a different father, but I don't believe so anymore. While there is an extremely small possibility that River wasn't John's biological child, I believe he was. Sometimes children look like one parent and not the other. Sometimes children don't look either parent. And sometimes siblings just don't look like each other. It doesn't mean that a parent isn't their biological parent or that a sibling isn't their full sibling. Also, sometimes looks change as a person gets older. Hair darkens, features change, etc. There's a picture of Joaquin when he was child where you can definitely see the resemblance between him and River, it was just obvious that their nose shape was different. I have my own experience with that, for example, when I compare pictures of myself to those of my brother when we around the age of 3 or 4, there is definitely a resemblance, but by the time we were in second grade, the resemblance was gone. Now as adults, my brother and I don't look alike. My brother doesn't look like my father at all, and I look nothing like my mother, and have never looked like her, even when I was a small child, I never resembled her. In River's case, he definitely took after his mother's looks a lot. As to why he didn't look like his siblings, I think it's just because he looked a lot like his mom and Rain and Joaquin look like their father and nothing like their mother. Summer and Liberty look like a mixture of both their parents. It makes sense in a family of five kids that two would look like their dad, one like his mom, and two would be a perfect blend of mom and dad. And we never got to see River as a man in his 30s and 40s. It's also very likely that River has some features of a paternal grandparent, aunt/uncle, cousin, etc. I have another personal experience with this. While I don't look like my mother and a lot of her family, there is an aunt who has similar facial features to me, and there are more distant relatives that I do resemble in looks. There are features that I don't know where they came from. For example, my nose, which is very upturned. Neither my parents nor by brother have a nose resembling mine, and neither does any aunt, uncle, grandparent, or cousin that I've seen. Genotypes and how they translate into phenotypes is an extremely complicated thing. So I have absolutely no doubt that John was River's biological father and that he was a full brother to his four siblings.
