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An interesting question and I commend all your choices....and I never thought I'd be about to say this, especially not in a public forum, but also perhaps....Leon Trotsky (from 'Frida'), god help me.....


Oh my I totally forgot he was in Frida,yep he was pretty sexy(in a bizzare way in that too).

I'd had like to see more of him in Frida. I can see what you mean, although I find myself mentally trying to block out the moustache - facial hair just doesn't do it for me!

Also, how about:

- Harry from The Banger Sisters. He is such a sweetie, amsuing (often without realising so) and in need of a hug. Plus we get glimmers of the suppressed passion that he's capable of.

- Javert. There's something appealing about his icy stares and steely voice - kind of like a caged tiger that you know you'll never tame but you just can't help trying.

- the doctor he played in Quuer as *beep* (there's a link in one of the other threads on this board if you've not seen it). All out charm!

Although, can't I have Geoff himself? (with apologies to Mrs. Rush!)
