MovieChat Forums > Geoffrey Rush Discussion > Favourite Geoffrey Rush Films

Favourite Geoffrey Rush Films

Hi Rushies!
What are your top 5 Geoffrey Rush films? Mine are:

1. The King's Speech
2. Quills
3. Elizabeth
4. Shine
5. Candy

There are so many films he's done and he's an amazing actor, it's a tough decision! There are a few I haven't seen, would you recommend them to everyone?



Hmmm...mine would have to be:

1. Quills
2. Life and Death of Peter Sellers
3. The King's Speech
4. Shine
5. Swimming Upstream

I initially thought picking my top 5 would be easy, then when I started thinking about it, I realised how many great performances he's put in and how hard it is to choose given his amazing versatility.

As for recommendations, personally it'd be easier for me to say what I wouldn't - Mystery Men! I enjoyed seeing Geoffrey do an over-the-top comical bad guy, but other than that the script, the plot, much of the other acting was just horrendous. Part of me wants to fly to Australia, give Geoffrey a hug, take him for a pint and say 'I forgive you'. But hey, I guess pretty much every other actor has at least one of those films in their repertoire.


Was Geoffrey the one reason why you (kind of) liked the movie?

It's true that it's tough to think of your top five because he's so good! Out of your top five, I haven't seen The Life and Death of Peter Sellers or Swimming Upstream. I loved Geoffrey as the Marquis de Sade, he was hot!


Yes, Geoffrey was the only reason why I perservered watched Mystery Men all the way through (and maybe why I didn't throw the disk out of the window afterwards!). Had it been someone else in the role, I would have switched it off way before the end and consigned it to the deepest, darkest corner of the attic.

On a happier note, I highly recommend The Life and Death of Peter Sellers. I don't want to give anything away but the movie is nothing like anything else I've watched previously. The amount Geoffrey does in the film is staggering and takes your appreciation for his skill to a whole new level. It's one of those you laugh, you cry, you love him, you hate him and you're in awe of him. It also has a great supporting cast with the likes of Emily Watson, Charlize Theron, John Lithgow, Stanley Tucci to name a few.

Swimming Upstream surprised me. It wasn't until I started watching Geoffrey's films that I realized Australian independent films are not only very good and very watchable, but also have a similar feel to independent British films (which I quite enjoy watching). I found that this film wasn't always easy to watch - some of it touched on a personal nerve for me - but it is worth a look at.


Thanks for the recommendations! I would love to buy the movies on dvd, but it won't be easy. If I can't get them in the record shop, I might resort to the internet.

Have you watched Candy? It's very good. It stars the late Heath Ledger and Abbie Cornish. It's about a couple who fall deeper in love with each other and with herion. Geoffrey Rush plays their drug dealer and their close friend.
I recommend it.

Elizabeth is also very good.


I haven't seen some of Geoffrey's movies, but just received the DVDs for about five in the mail, including THE WARRIOR'S WAY. I would have to say the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are faves, because I just love Barbossa; that kind of character "speaks" to me. But I loved him also in Quills and The King's Speech. I liked Candy and Mystery Men, but wouldn't say they're favorites.



I have never seen any of the Pirates of the Caribbean films, I somehow tune out when I attempt to watch it. But now I have a reason to watch them now!


Quills when I first saw It I loved it but the more I think of it it gets even better and I have no words to describe how amazing was his performance as the marquise, Before I saw this film I thought Rusell Crowe tottaly deserved his win for gladiator but not anymore, I don't hate his win but I don't think he should have won anymore.

Elizabeth and not only one of his movies
This his second best character too
Wallsinham was my heroe in that movie
Let's forget about batman and all this super heroes, Wallsinham is the best.

The Kings speech
I can't explain why but movies about the royalty fit him perfectly

Piartes of the Caribbean the course of the black pearl


Quills Quills Quills Quills Quills Quills Quills Quills Quills and did I mention Quills
