MovieChat Forums > Geoffrey Rush Discussion > Whoo! Another Award!

Whoo! Another Award! -for-diary-of-a-madman/story-e6frg6nf-1226106254962

One of the things that surprised me about Geoffrey, once I became aware of who he is, was the sheer number of awards he's won. Surely Geoffrey has won so many awards now he could actually build an extension on to his house out of them!

I've only seen a handful of clips of him on stage - from Exit the King - and he's phenomenal! I can only begin to image what seeing him in reality must be like.


He derserves them! Keep 'em coming!


Geoffrey deserves every award he's won, and more.

And seeing him in reality is frustrating. I saw him in Exit the King, and you don't know how tempting it was to go up to him and act like a googly-eyed fan! LOL!



Seeing Mr. Rush onstage is thrilling and unpredictable. His performances stay with you; the two greatest theatrical experiences of my life were watching him, in 'Exit the King' in Melbourne, and 'The Diary of a Madman' in Sydney. He is a high-definition, outrageous, audacious, tragic clown of tremendous emotional intensity. Genius doesn't cover it.


"what zkbrown said" except I saw him in New York. The thrill of my life that he and Neil Armfield brought the work here. To miss him on stage is to miss one of the greatest stage actors on the planet - not the leading man type, but the perfect instrument to explore and depict the absurd recesses of the human soul. His niche is unique. His work, his repetoire, is brave and priceless.

And another compelling reason why some stage works should be preserved digitally.

"Geoffrey Rush - The Thinking Woman's Crumpet"
