MovieChat Forums > Geoffrey Rush Discussion > He's suddenly looking a lot older

He's suddenly looking a lot older

He used to look young, but of late he's looking much older than he used to be when he was younger, and even now when he's older he's looking a lot older.


Considering he has to jet all over the place from Australia to go to work...
I think he's quite amazing.

"Australian, find-mucking, tragi-comedians rock!"


Yeah, he's still looking great.

And ya know what? People age! Funny concept isn't it? Society has become so obsessed with appearance and 'image' that instead of coppin' these milestones like we should, we instead try to mask, chop and tuck them away to such a degree that you can't even guess people's ages anymore!

Oh *beep*, a line on my face - quick, better smooth that out in case someone finds out I'm not 21!

Ya know what? Lines are lovely, lines are character; since when did wrinkles become a sign of weakness? I was obviously under the utterly false impression that they were a sign of a nice long life and wait-for-it, a natural part of getting older. I know, silly, right?

Heck, on the other end of the scale, we don't even celebrate kids looking like kids anymore! Padded bras at 10!?... sexy slogans on underwear for little girls!?... tiny girls trying to act "sexy" at an age when they don't even have the first clue about what it actually means or where they even picked up the concept - oh wait, yes, THE MEDIA! They have a lot to answer for. It's crazy and no wonder it's totally *beep* with people's minds and confusing the hell out of young people. Let kids be kids... and heck... don't *beep* with the lifespan! - we're MEANT to look the age we are! - crazy concept aint it folks? ;D

Deal with it.

French existential absurdist tragi-comedy rocks! G.Rush


Well said, its_a_GeoffreyRush_thing! As a fellow aging human being, THANKS!

I think Mr. Rush is aging well - day by day. Isn't that God's concept?

Henderson, NV


The OP frequently complains about how badly actors have aged, how much shorter than their listed height they look, etc.


He could never be ugly, no matter what. This man is the best!
I think he looks perfect, just the way God made him. Hope he never gets plastic surgery. He does NOT need it.

Think you can outrun the world? (Barbossa)


The age obsession is worse in women. It's a disgrace that people are judged because of age, race, height, weight, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, and disability.

Personally I would rather be with a man who has "flaws" and a great personality than a man with the "perfect body" and a personality of an inanimate object!
Rock on, Mr. Rush.


I think Geoffrey looks fantastic. But on Hollywood, the media and aging and all that crap, the truth is, I want to look younger--or better, BE younger as well as look it--and would love to be considered beautiful in Hollywood. I don't mean I want to be super-skinny and gaunt, but I wish I could be fresh and young again. I know it's society's standards that have put this in my head, but I can't deny it's there.

It's worse for women than it is for men. Men get some of it these days, but it's not equal. And I want to scream when I hear that men "age differently" and are somehow handsome when they age, while women lose their looks. That's bull! While everyone ages at different degrees, men age the same as women, with jowls dropping, skin sagging and hair turning white. The difference is that society has given men permission to look this way and still be desired, while it punishes women who dare to age.



Aged or not, I still think he looks sexy, but you are right. He does seem to be aging quickly.

"Sleep is for sissies."
