Sell out

Biggest sell out ever. Should have walked off the air with some dignity years ago.



He really is.

The funny thing is he thought he was going to try to improve his legacy by embracing the Hollywood culture, but that's exactly why he was famous - he ripped into the celebrity culture and bashed whoever he wanted, didn't lean left or right, and appealed to the average, everyday listener.

If you go on any internet board he's bashed religiously, his fan base is fading faster than you can snap, and he's lost a lot of respect. He can go suck up to Rosie or Ellen all he wants - they don't listen to him anyway and he's lost his relevance.

He's going to have to retire soon. When he does his Hollywood friends will disappear instantly and he'll be alone and bored in his Hampton mansion, which is what he fears the most.


He really is. But he can't exactly clean up his past when he was being ''himself''. I remember when he had mentally retarded people come into his studio and fight each other. I wonder how people would feel about that nowadays... hmmnn.


He's a money grubbing turd. It's what he is. Where did he sell out? How does a turd sell out?
