I'm still laughing

I'm writing a research paper on the movie clip, Yours Truly, from the absolutely funniest films ever, O Brother Where Art Thou? John Turturro along with George Clooney and Tim Blake Nelson crack me up in this scene! I watched the clip over and over to get the specific details and cannot find one flaw! When George Clooney slips and gets dragged off the box car it looks so real! I cannot stop laughing! These three artists in this film made me laugh through some tough times in my life. I've watch this film many times. It is up-lifting and full of action throughout! I want to see another fumny film from this group of talented guys!


O Brother is a masterpiece. I don't know how well it did awards time (besides the great sound track), but it deserved something.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!
