What An Utter Joke

If they couldn't prove anything right after it happened, how in the hell could anything be proven 30 years later? An obvious publicity stunt, and a disgusting way of capitalizing on a poor woman's premature death..

Does Wagner look suspicious in this? Yes. This scenario has been played out time and time again.. it sounds like a most obvious "Dateline NBC" episode. Problem is.. it couldn't be proven then, and it sure as hell can't be proven now; especially cause some crackpot claims she heard Natalie drowning 30 years ago, and didn't do a damn thing about it; or because the Captain of the yacht supposedly didn't have the guts to stand up to Wager and save her, or even say a word about it for nearly 30 years. Good thing is, it's not up to us to judge; that responsibility is not on our shoulders. Wagner will face his judgement day. Until then, innocent until proven guilty. Personally, I hope he always has been telling the truth, and he might very well be. His story is a little thin, but stranger things have happened. Either way, it will work itself out.


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Well said.

As far as I'm concerned, this whole thing was nothing but a cheap publicity stunt manipulated by Dennis Davern from day one of the 'reinvestigation'. IMO, he should be under *at least* as much scrutiny by the authorities as Wagner, and probably more.


I'm going to answer that, chulo, by simply repeating the post I left in the this thread:

by amyghost 29 seconds ago (Sun Jan 15 2012 06:36:28)



Chulo, I'm ignoring my mother's advice not to argue with the mentally unbalanced here; but in this case it seems necessary.

Here's my profile and message board history:


On it are *all* of the posts I've placed regarding the Wagner/Wood case. If you can find one in that list that anywhere states in any way shape or form that I've stated that "RJ murdered Natalie", please do post it for all of us, myself included, to see. I have claimed just the opposite in all of my messages about this, and have suggested that people wait til the matter is investigated to pass any judgements on Wagner.

I have no YouTube account, btw. Users like yourself who frequent that site are a big factor in why I don't.

The only "deranged psycho" who keeps changing their mind around here is yourself. But I've long ago noticed that to be classic troll modus operandi--the troll accuses the person they're harrassing with exactly the behaviours they themselves have been engaging in, and simply trusts that onlookers won't investigate their claims and will just accept the troll's account as the true one.

A word of advice, chulo: I have reported this latest post of yours in detail to the moderators, along with the relevant URL links. If you don't want to see your account be actioned further, I'd nicely suggest you delete these posts on your own. If Admin does so and then does, in fact, further action your account, well--don't say you weren't told in advance.


If there's some part of that you fail to understand, please feel free to make it known, and I'll be glad to point it out to you.

G'day, 'sport'.
