MovieChat Forums > Robert Wagner Discussion > So, did the silly LAPD strike again?

So, did the silly LAPD strike again?

Apparently nothing significant seems to be coming from the new Natalie Wood investigation -- it looks more and more like this really was just a ploy to sell copies of that book on the anniversary.

I laughed when the LAPD said, "we're taking this very seriously, we don't just reopen cases on a whim," please, if it involves Hollywood, the LAPD will reopen anything. Yeah, a useless fiasco of unneccessarily re-opening this case.


The CA taxpayers should sue to recover their money that was wasted in reopening a closed case for no better reason than to enrich ex-captain Greedhead Ghoul, a/k/a Davern.

To be honest, I *still* wonder, to this day, if Davern himself might not have been responsible in some way for Wood's going overboard--he was as drunk as the rest of them, by his own admission. Maybe he came on to Wood, and she fell in trying to get away from him? Who knows?

Maybe the LAPD should be taking a lot closer look at *him*.


That's an interesting theory, AmyGhost, and one I've considered as well. There's something about the captain that doesn't sit right, but that may just be the fact he's making up the story about Wagner being responsible(if indeed it was just an accident and/or he really just has no idea). One thing I don't quite get, though: would someone be so stupid as to more or less implicate themselves in a murder to sell a book? I mean, if his story is true, and let's just hypothetically say Wagner were to be arrested, does the captain get off scot-free?


I more or less tossed that out there (Davern being the one "whodiddit") as something of a joke, but to be honest, I *have* wondered sometimes about this guy.

Davern apparently in his post-captaining days has been a troubled man, with something of a history of alcoholism and possible mental disorders (at least this is what I've read, and I'm well aware that you have to take most of what you read in the popular media with a very large grain of salt); I've also read words to the effect that some of his own family have speculated that he may suffer from something along the lines of undiagnosed Asperger's Syndrome, though again, you have to be cautious in taking things like this as statements of fact. It is known that Wagner apparently went out of his way to try and help Davern through some of his rockier times, which has turned out pretty ironically for Wagner, to say the least. And of course many Nat Wood 'fans' imply that Wagner was doing so in an effort to keep Davern quiet, which IMO is nonsense, but whatever.

It does lend some credence to the idea that Davern may be an alcoholic or possibly mentally disturbed in some manner that he'd try to do what you point out--sell a book which seemingly *could* wind up implicating him in what happened that night. I could only guess that he's either off his nut enough not to have considered possible ramifications, or--more likely--has been advised that there's probably no serious likelihood that at this late date anything would change as a result of the case being reopened (which it seems more than likely it won't).

He may simply be in dire enough financial straits that he feels it's worth the risk. (This theory would also shoot down the idea that Wagner was paying Davern 'hush money', since if that were so one would think Wagner would certainly continue to pay out any type of blackmail rather than risk having a supposedly 'eyewitness account of a murder' be released to the police and general public.) Best guess is that Davern simply thinks it's somehow okay to revive the case long enough for him to hopefully pick up more sales on a reissue of the book, which didn't earn much when it was initially released.

He apparently has reason to think there's no danger to himself personally to do this, or maybe just isn't capable of apprehending any possible consequences to himself as a result. If he actually *is* mentally disordered in some way, either organically or through substance abuse--or a combination, perhaps, of both--it'd be difficult to predict with any accuracy just *what* he might be thinking or *what* might have motivated his actions in all this.

Don't they say that "the criminal always returns to the scene of his crime"? Could this book be figuratively a case of Dennis Davern doing just that?


To be honest, I *still* wonder, to this day, if Davern himself might not have been responsible in some way for Wood's going overboard--he was as drunk as the rest of them, by his own admission. Maybe he came on to Wood, and she fell in trying to get away from him? Who knows?

Oh my god, talk about writing something STUPID. YEA, sure!! He then goes onto write a book explaining how he spent the night with Natalie on Catalina the night before. He could have easily claimed he & Natalie were intimate while they were there & he didn't. Why would he choose to come on to Natalie while her husband was close by when he had her all to himself the night before? You're getting crazier by the minute & I'm not surprised.

According to you, Wagner couldn't possibly have had anything to do with Wood's death. Why don't you now say Christopher Walken was chasing Natalie around the boat and she fell in?


OMG, the retard strikes again...did they let you out of the home long enough to return to posting here for a while,, zevan?

Are you able to read any posts than the ones you 'write' *at all*? Go back and try again and maybe you'll understand next time, there's a good dog.


Zevan, amyghost has only been positing theories--and even says that she/he doesn't take them that seriously. You, OTOH, have been engaging in all-caps screaming, name calling, and are now posting potentially threatening messages calling this user a 'stalker' and claiming that they are making 'death threats'.

(If amyghost has not reported you, she/he should certainly consider doing so, because your posts are definitely violating Terms and Conditions and could be considered actionable under IMDB's restrictions re libellous postings.)

You seem to have a bizarre fixation on insisting that Robert Wagner killed his wife, and have even hinted on other threads that you have inside information about what happened. If anyone here sounds deranged, maybe even potentially dangerous, it's you. You sound as though you could be a possible threat to Robert Wagner, and maybe someone should be reporting YOUR messages here to the proper authorities.

Think about this.


I never said any of the things you are saying. You really have issues.


"I never said any of the things you're saying."

Really, zevan? This post of yours says differently:

as do several of your postings here:

and several of your posts on this thread contain examples of the all caps screaming and profanity I mentioned, as well as your intimations that you have indside information regarding this case:

Shall I go on? Or should I just turn in these threads to the administrators right now, and spare everyone here further exposure to your obvious mental disturbances?

You might want to reconsider who has the real 'issues' here.
