MovieChat Forums > Hans Zimmer Discussion > The emperor has no clothes

The emperor has no clothes

Ruins every movie i've seen with him doing the soundtrack (except maybe inception).
Did he even watch Interstellar?, and certain pieces in Blade Runner just did not fit with what was happening on screen at all and makes the whole viewing experience particularly jarring.


Thank you for your invaluable, detailed and well constructed opinion.
I am sure everyone and his daughter will now see the world from a different point of view thanks to your insight and wisdom about this, for decades, critically acclaimed and well respected artist that moved millions of people to tears with his work and passion, who has influenced and taught a plethora of now successful artists and who, unlike you, understands music... but hey, "certain pieces in that one movie just didn't fit, he's trash!"

Tl;dr: You shouldn't have access to a keyboard.


HA, I knew it.

While most REAL composers careful sculpt the music to a movie scene by scene (best example GoT), it seems Mr Z not only did not watch the video for the music he was writing for in Interstellar, HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT THE MOVIE WAS ABOUT!!!, and boy-o-boy does it show.

Those scenes are jarring af and I am so happy to finally know why.

Tl;dr: no ad-homs (triggered much?), just a link to show you how a REAL ST composer works


Whether he knew the plot or not - I loved the insterstellar soundtrack. The music was one of the highlights of an all-time classic movie.

Zimmer is one of the few composers that I look forward to hearing his work when I go to a film that he has scored.


As I said, you do not understand what you're talking about.

First of all, what is a "REAL composer"?
The "TRUE SCOTSMAN!" fallacy is just that, a fallacy. Stop being an idiot.

Second, Zimmer works just like the others. Basically every soundtrack is tailored to the movie and its scenes, that is why tracks have according names as well and that is why they, coincidentally(?!) fit the situation, you idiot.

Check Zimmers work, even someone who isn't into soundtracks immediately sees that.
Plus, there are clips on YT how he works, also many movie's "behind the scenes" stuff feature him as well where you can see that he indeed tailors his music to a movie's scenes.

Jesus Christ you cannot be that stupid...


Agree. Always saw him as an overrated, although solid, but mostly generic, bland mainstream musician. Not even a composer in a literal sense. Without computer workstations these kind of musicians couldn't create a single line of music. What annoys me mostly about him is his bad habit of making 'theme' like instrumentations. Drums in MOS, brass in Inception, ticking clocks in Dunkirk or the organ in Interstellar. A composer should put his ego aside and serve the narrative of the pictures.


Yeah, I don't like his music, don't like his soundtracks. Sounds like they were composed on a computer.


A computer with two keys, one that goes 'bbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr' and another that goes 'bbbbbbbrrrrrrummmmmm'
