MovieChat Forums > Gregory Hines Discussion > A funny thing about Gregory Hines...

A funny thing about Gregory Hines...

... I had literally know idea who he was until I saw this Michael McDonald video for Sweet Freedom maybe a couple of weeks ago:-

The song was from Running Scared, featuring Billy Crystal and Gregory Hines.

Anyway, tonight I was recalling the quality works of Chilly Gonzalez and listening to a few of his tunes. Then I remembered his collaborative work with Boys noize, Octave Minds, and their amazing track with Chance the Rapper, Tap Dance.

So I looks that particular song up on YouTube and find that someone has paired it with a video made up of footage from a film called Tap starring none other than... you've guessed it! ... Gregory Hines!

What were the chances?! I've seen neither film, only stumbled upon them even existing through music, and am now quite interested in seeing both these works of late Gregory Hines.


If you like Gregory Hines you should watch White Nights. Not really a great film, but it has plenty of Gregory Hines (and Mikhail Baryshnikov).


Well, I haven't seen any of Gregory Hines thus far.

I looked up that film though - looks kind of similar to Rocky IV but with dancing! Came out the same year though, so clearly no rip off...


I haven't seen White Knights yet. My understanding is that it was about a Russian ballet dancer trying to defect to the US with the help of his American colleague.

Interestingly enough, the film was nominated for two Oscars within the same category (i.e. Say You, Say Me, which won, and Separate Lives, which is, IMHO, the superior song), and it's via those songs, and their respective videos, that I have any familiarity with the movie.


Ha ha! Absolutely amazing:-

... the film was nominated for two Oscars within the same category (i.e. Say You, Say Me, which won, and Separate Lives, which is, IMHO, the superior song)...

I love that song and would agree it's superior. I used to watch the video on YouTube quite a bit years ago but looking back at it now:-

There he is again! 😂

That's made my day - three quality songs with Gregory Hines in the video from films I haven't seen!


I love that song. It's so powerful (although I don't know what it has to do with the movie, since it's clearly about a divorced couple whose post-separation feelings are still raw).


Yeah, that's the funny thing - My memory of that video was
just of Phil singing with the woman (Marilyn Martin) around the piano. Looking at it now you can see that it only really cuts in a couple of short clips of the film which seem completely unrelated!

The Say You, Say Me video shows a lot more of the film:-


I love the video for Sweet Freedom. Have you seen Running Scared? It's not a bad film. Not a must-watch, but definitely a fun way to pass a couple of hours, and Crystal and Hines make such a likeable duo.


No, haven't seen it! Just clips via that Sweet Freedom video.

I'm also interested to see it for Billy Crystal, seemingly playing a more grounded character than I'm used to seeing him do. Sadly neither appearing on any of my streaming options at the moment. Will have to keep an eye out for them in future...


"I'm also interested to see it for Billy Crystal, seemingly playing a more grounded character than I'm used to seeing him do."

True. It's a comedy-thriller/buddy-buddy cop film, rather than an out-and-out goofball comedy, so it's nice to see Crystal and Hines play relatively grounded characters, who are funny in a more naturalistic manner.
