Excellent Actor

I always enjoy the work of Edmon Ryan in all the classic era black and white TV series he appeared in as a character actor. In his distinctive looks he reminds me somewhat of veteran old-time Hollywood actor Donald MacBride, but not in his attitude or mannerisms His acting style didn't change much, yet he had an air of authenticity, essential for a busy actor on the small screen back in the day.

Ryan generally played plainclothes cops, lawyers, doctors, and men of authority for the most part; and he was usually cast as good guys, albeit with a few notable exceptions, which made his turn for the worst particularly unsettling in a Hitchcock half-hour in which it was revealed that he wasn't truly the character he said he was.

He was also quite effective in another Hitchcock entry as the supportive family friend of a middle aged brother and sister who live alone together in an old country house and almost never speak to one another. The brother is quite disturbed, yet the sister isn't an angel, either. Ryan's character tries heroically to help resolve the differences between the two.
