MovieChat Forums > Stephen Lang Discussion > Cameron's mistake: Colonel Quaritch shou...

Cameron's mistake: Colonel Quaritch should've survived

I cheered for him just like how people usually cheer for Darth Vader. I was more emotionally attached to Colonel Miles Quaritch than Jake Sully.


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Me too man. He won me over with his over the top badassery. Killing him off is akin to George Lucas killing off Darth Maul in Ep 1. What a stupid stupid idea. They could have got soo much more mileage out of both characters. In 'Avatar 2' Col Quaritch would have gone rouge out in the wildress of Pandora where he would engage in guerrilla warefare with the Na'vi. Or he would infiltrate the Na'vi tribe through his own avatar body and carry out his plan to ultimately destroy them.


He inspired a sense of loyalty to our own kind, humans. And he made me proud of the unwanted talent humans have in abundance, the talent for war. And when he was riding in the chopper, in my head I was hearing "Ride of the Valkyries".


Actually, the reason killing Darth Maul so soon sucked wasn't simply that he was a cool character, but that they built him up so much in the advertising. They focused constantly on Darth Maul in the trailers and merchandising only to have him barely in the movie and killed off at the ending. (In fact, almost the same thing was done with General Grievous in "Revenge of the Sith".)

I really don't feel the same thing was done with Quaritch. Cameron's main focus in the advertising was the effects and Quaritch was in the movie a hell of a lot more than those two aforementioned villains from the prequels. Besides, reusing villains in sequels can tend to backfire. Audiences will tire of the character (even one as cool as Quaritch) and just wonder when they'll finally die instead of being entertained by their villainy.



Loyalty to war.

Loyalty to destruction.

Loyalty to killing.

If that's what Humans stand for, what sorry bunch of organisms the Human Kind is.

People cheering for war and destruction misunderstood Cameron's message. But that's to be expected.

Particularly from the sons of Uncle Sam.


And then fornicate with it afterwards.


People cheering for war and destruction misunderstood Cameron's message. But that's to be expected.

Particularly from the sons of Uncle Sam.
What country are you from Chronus?


He's probably European. Most numbskull effeminate bush-huggers are.
