'In Plain Sight'

Did anybody else catch SL on "In Plain Sight" as Mary's father? I thought he was terrific,managing to make the character sympathetic. On one hand,you wouldn't trust him as far as you could throw him and on the other he manages to convey that he really cares about his children,even though he's been gone from their lives for years. If you missed it initially,catch it on Thursday night. He will be in at least one more episode,as well.

"Run 'em down,Red!"


I did get a chance to watch it On Demand the other night. Stephen looked handsome as ever. I agree with you totally, Little Minx. He plays a snake, but always finds a way to get us to feel bad for him. I think we might just be a little bias though. Let's face it, the man could stand on one foot and sing the ABC's for all I care, he'd have my undivided attention. And I bet he'd look good doing that, too. Looking forward to the next episode!


I'd like to see that,northernrebel! Yes,we are biased,but regardless,he is still a terrific actor! Do you think his character is really terminally ill or is it just a scam? Are we going to end up bawling our eyes out?

"Run 'em down,Red!"


He is a multi-talented actor and I enjoy his work very much



I mean, the last time I saw this guy he was completely buff? He looks kind of haggard in this show, in keeping with the idea that he is sick.

From what I have seen, he takes his roles pretty seriously. Is it possible that he lost some weight for this role? I know this is only a USA series, but it has gotten pretty good reviews over the years. Has anything come up about this elsewhere?

"He was running around like a rooster in a barnyard full of ducks."--Pat Novak


Sorry Little Minx, just read your post today. Well, I guess our question was answered and Jim really was sick....but did they have to shoot him dead? :(
On the other hand, I felt a little jealous. Let's face it, the lady who plays Mary (sorry, don't really watch the show, so I don't know her name) just met our SL, and she got to hold him in her arms as he "died" What luck! Makes me want to be an actor.


Here are some pix from this show: http://www.usanetwork.com/series/inplainsight/theshow/episodeguide/epi sodes/s5_sacrificiallam/gallery/index.html#ips507_bts_0483.jpg


Yeah northernrebel,it's not just a job,it's an adventure-at least for some actresses! ;-) Sad ending,but I think the idea was for Jim to redeem himself by saving Mary's life and we also saw,by her distraught reaction to his death,that beneath her tough veneer,she really loved him. Good show-I wish I had watched it more often.

Someone else mentioned that they thought SL looked thin-I'm thinking it appeared as though he was wearing clothing that was a bit large to give that appearance? He's done that in previous roles.

And MissNYWF-thanks for the link to those pictures!

"Run 'em down,Red!"


Yeah, but he always looks thin. The man is in fantastic shape, but he said before that unless he has to, he doesn't keep himself bulked up (muscle wise) because he is more comfortable. Doesn't matter, he looks great either way. Looks like he's got a lot of different projects in the works. That's good because I need something to look forward to these days, and Stephen always makes me smile.
