MovieChat Forums > Kevin Smith Discussion > People forget he's a visionnary director...

People forget he's a visionnary director and very talented

Back in 1995, two decades ago, he wrote and directed a movie called Mallrats.

Mallrats is starring Ben Affleck, Michael Rooker (Guardians of the Galaxy) and STAN LEE!

The first Stan Lee Cameo in a movie about comic and superhero!

Don't forget how much Kevin Smith influenced millions of people in the 90s.


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Sadly, that was two decades ago. Ever since 2008, Smith just stopped progressing as a filmmaker and now mainly just does podcasting. He had talent, but with the constant weed-smoking he does these days alongside with his "who gives a *beep*" mentality, it's no shock as to why all his recent films have performed so badly with critics and audiences. He'd be lucky if he's ever allowed to make another film costing more than $5 million now.


A "visionary"? Let's not go crazy.


Sometimes HE forgets it, too!

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


Mallrats is just a homage to John Hughes 80's movies, even Kev admits this.

His other films have kind of been all over the place, I think he can turn out decent scripts that with a bit of polish could be really good, but even before the (alleged) uptake of the Weed he has always been a touch 'Kev vs World' so seems not to let people tinker with 'his' ideas, hence he has do everything rather than others cover his weak spots.

Don't forgot how much Kevin was influenced by the 1980's and Linklater


but even before the (alleged) uptake of the Weed

Why is it alleged? He's fully come out and admitted it.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


so a chap who tells stories for a living says a thing and that makes it true ?

Okay maybe that was a bit of a slap down, what I'm getting at is for some time now I've started to think that the 'trustworthy Kev Smith' persona is distinctly different from the 'savvy business dude Kevin Smith' that he actually is, and that's fine everyone has to make a living, so tall tales of THC fuelled antics whilst excellent story fodder could be less than reliable.

That said he does bang on about it like the weed-bores I know, and hiring Depp for your movies isn't a sign of unimpaired judgement
