MovieChat Forums > Kevin Smith Discussion > Whats going on with the movies he's been...

Whats going on with the movies he's been talking about for years?

Clerks III
Hit Somebody
Helena Handbag

He talked about all these as if they were definitely happening. The last time he mentioned Hit Somebody, he said it was going to be a series but that was over two years ago. I know Mallbrats is looking for a network and Clerks III needs financing, but supposedly the studio that has been funding his last few movies are going to fund Clerks III?

I don't really care about Moosejaws but still want to see it. He talks about it as if it's been in production but I haven't seen or heard anything having to do with the making of that picture and we all know Smith doesn't play his cards close to chest or hold out on details. I'm thinking he hasn't even started on it.

Helena Handbag, supposedly Scott Mosier is going to return as a producer which is the only reason I'm kind of looking forward to it considering he came up with some of the funniest parts of that podcast and the idea sounds hilarious.

Last of all, Hit Somebody. Why is that not even listed here anymore? Did he seriously hype up a movie that he wrote during an important period of his life and was supposedly so big that it had to be split in two movies just to drop it like it never existed?

Seriously, it seems like he just talks about doing things but never actually does them, and then suddenly out of nowhere we get Yoga Hosers, which whatever I thought it sucked but I'm sure it'll catch on as the years pass like most of his movies. I'm also not one to try and tell someone else how to do their job but if you're going to talk in absolutes about your future projects, stick to your guns and deliver. Give the talk circuit thing a rest. Seriously, every event or Q & A thing I already know what his answers are going to be because he's run out of new things to say and new stories to tell.


I was just thinking about this. I actually wanna see these movies.


I kinda put him in the same camp as Guillermo Del Toro. They have so many projects they'd love to work on, but there's just not enough time to fully develop them all. And so they never even get off the ground.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.
