MovieChat Forums > Kevin Smith Discussion > Personality Change?

Personality Change?

I'm not big on his movies, but his "Evening with Kevin Smith" talks from around 2001ish are genuinely hilarious. In those he came off as smart, witty, funny, and a great storyteller, particularly in the Prince and Superman/Tim Burton stories. There have been times recently where I've seen a link to a new interview with him and expected to see the funny guy with lots of cool anecdotes from those videos, but he seems like a totally different person now. He talks in a weird shouty voice and can't stay on the same subject for more than a few sentences. I know he started using pot heavily around the mid/late 2000's, but that shouldn't alter your personality that much unless he uses it so much that he's basically always baked.


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He is always baked now days. I listen to some of his podcasts and he makes no secret of his constant pot smoking. He's making up for 20-30 years of not being a stoner I guess.


I still like him, and really liked Red State and even Tusk, but you're right. The new Kevin Smith is like one of those Kevin Smith fanboys the old Kevin Smith would mock during his Q and As. He needs to smoke less weed.

FYC: Keanu Reeves


There is one way that weed has ALWAYS made people in a worse way.

They become boring.

You can't have a reasonable conversation with someone so stoned they can't make full sentences.

So a weed-filled world would be mellow, like REALLY mellow, but that also means goodbye to anything artistic that has any edge.

No more action films. No more horror movies. Can't have any edge if everybody is just going, "hey man, why so stressed? Sit down, relax, take a hit."

No more rock music. Everybody would be the GRATEFUL DEAD. ( I do like the Grateful Dead, I just don't think EVERYBODY should be them ).

Like everything, man, moderation. Mo der a shun. Being stoned all the time isn't cool, it just means your living in slow-motion ALL the time, instead of once in a while. Kinda defeats the purpose, dontcha think?

Nah, probably not.

My thoughts:
My book:

You didn't come here to make the choice, you're here to understand why you made it.


By action films do you mean ak shun?
