You Disgust Me Slave

Pi? Requiem for a Dream? The Fountain? Incredible films that weren't made for mainstream audiences.

With NOAH, I get the sense that you, D.A., wanted to subvert the typical biblical musings when you signed up, but I'm sure the producers rode you like the sheep you are for trying it. The tone of the trailer with that disgusting, uplifting music, suggests that NOAH will be your run of the mill glorification story, so needless to say, I'm pretty disappointed that you passed on the opportunity to do something new. It's sad to see a director of your caliber using his talents to contribute to society's enslavement.

Since you love the hard R rating (or PG13 in the Fountain's case because it isn't remotely intended for younger audiences), I'll buckle up for that PG-13 rating since I know you sold out. Those producers wouldn't want to miss out on the chance to indoctrinate the weak and malleable minded. Don't disappoint me, baby.

You see, slavery still exists today, it just comes disguised in forms in the modern age you fvcking sheep.

I look forward to pirating your film and I'm sure I'll enjoy the digital enhancement spectacle you used to recapture those who can't read the lies of God for themselves.


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ooooooooo how profound

actually we do. It's called geology and sediment layers. educate yourself about the real world you live in.

Also, submerge a tree in water for a month and tell me how its doing. No vegetation would have survived. Surely this master carpenter wasn't a master botanist too!

also, mind showing me someone who has lived to be 500?

how much time you got hoss, i can keep going.


Listen, I too am an atheist. Of course this didn't actually happen, but I think you're being way too hard on Aronofsky. He's an outstanding filmmaker and I for one am excited to see his take on one of mankind's oldest stories. Aronofsky is a storyteller; this is one of our most iconic stories ever created so I don't understand what's wrong with him tackling this subject. Also, you infer that this is some sort of brain-washing doctrine; do you really think a non-believer is going to walk out of feature film completely converted? Have a little more faith in your fellow man, people aren't "sheeps" like you claim them to be. That being said, there's still nothing wrong with believers, sure they may be ignorant to a lot of the evidence out there, but everyone is ignorant in one way or another, that's not a trait exclusive to the religious. Bottom line, don't worry about the context of this film, just enjoy a master storyteller presenting one of man's most iconic stories.


actually we do. It's called geology and sediment layers

lol this was pure gold. Buddy, if you're going to say something like that, don't act so arrogant.


Can you refute him?



One of the best posts I've seen out here.
