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Absolutely not. I would only rank it below the Wrestler. The reason its getting a low internet rating is because it managed to piss off both the angry atheists and the religious conservatives. Which leaves few people to watch it with a rational mind and free of bias.


It's rather underwhelming. So definitely.


I thought it had good moments, but overall it was disappointing. I can totally see if it bored the crap out of most people.


Nah, people just think it's a bad movie.

I'm atheist, but it's irrelevant. I actually like religious stories, and was hoping for a good movie. But it just stank, quite simply. I'm 1 hour 30 mins in so far. Bad effort.


Aronofsky is my favorite director and this probably is at the bottom, but I still loved it and will watch it many times again. I'm a devout Catholic and know it's just a movie.


I do feel like Noah is Darren's weakest project to date, but that's saying a lot considering the masterpieces he has been churning out. In my opinion, Noah was a solid film but it didn't "grasp me" like other Aranofsky films. I didn't like the cgi'd rock monsters and snakes, it was just so different than what we are accustomed with Aranofsky movies. However, once the film began focusing on Noah's descent and his obsession, the quality was much better. The score, as always by Clint Mansell, was brilliant. There definitely are some great aspects of Noah, but the commercialism and CGI brought it down. Pissing off both atheists and religious folk definitely didn't help either, but I think it is far from a bad film but definitely not on par with Requiem for a dream, The Wrestler, The Fountain, Black Swan, or Pi.


Aronofsky made a bad movie and tried to explain it that is was about climate change.
