MovieChat Forums > Wes Bentley Discussion > What I hope to see

What I hope to see

He admitted that he is an alcoholic and drug addict. Grant it that he is in recovery and is still seeking help for it. As an addictions counselor, I know it is a struggle and going to cast calls while you are in recovery can be difficult. He will always have to deal with this and I am routing for him.

I think he will find his niche with one part and will end up being successful and respected. I don't know why it was this way, but it took Morgan Freeman a long time and I was always a fan of his since he was on The Electric Company, which is a kids show for those who are not familiar with it. Robert De Niro was another one who did some excellent work, but did not achieve the level of success that I felt he should have when he was younger, most handsome in "The Deer Hunter" by the way.

He is gifted and I do hope he takes Christopher Walken's approach, another actor who got a lot of success as he got older, by never turning down a part regardless of how cheesy it might be. He has often said that he takes different parts even if they are small and insignificant because he always learns something from it.

I do believe he will have a great film career, he just needs to find that one part that will skyrocket.
