where is #MeToo?

they really dont seem to care this time. I wonder why?


It's a settled case. Cassie collected $30,000,000 from Diddy, so it's not an ongoing matter.


gotcha, so women dont care as long as they get paid. understood.


Still why aren't they at least screaming for him to be cancelled. They came like angry villagers with pitch forks after Joss Whedon, Timothy Hutton, Johnny Depp and Chris Hardwick when their was nothing more than accusations before the facts had been heard. And here there's actual video of Diddy violently beating the shit out of a woman half his size and they have nothing to say?.


you would think so. liberals and Hollywood are fickle in whom they persecute. Diddy must be too rich and powerful to bring down I guess. their silence is curious though. it will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few weeks.


LOL Clearly you don't have a Twitter account, the rad fems been calling for Diddy's head non-stop for days, what do you want them to do, set up an encampment in front of Marilago? Cassie got paid by Diddy within 24 hours of filing, why would she say no to that deal? Like you would turn down $30 Million #LOL The person who leaked the Cassiette tape to CNN seems to believe they didn't get paid enough, Puffy only stumped up $50,000 to the hotel to erase the tape, and obviously Diddy must have said yes cap, so they released the kraken on La Didoi.
