MovieChat Forums > Jennifer Garner Discussion > How could anyone not find her beautiful?

How could anyone not find her beautiful?

I have always found her to be one of the most beautiful actresses in movies today. How do so many other people not think she's attractive? Guys drool over skanks like Scarlet Jo, who has a nice body, but a really "eh" face and a nasty attitude. Jen Garner just seems so sweet and radiating beauty inside and out, she's the kind of person you'd want as a wife in real life. I don't how she isn't universally loved!!


Yeah but she's not well liked. Even Matt Damon said she's uptight.


Maybe you should be asking yourself why you find "her to be one of the most beautiful actresses in movies today" instead. It works both ways..'Ever hear "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"?

"How do so many other people not think she's attractive?" Same statement applies. I'm one that doesn't find her all that. Attractive but not especially so.

I notice you say "seems" whilst stating her attributes. That leads me to believe you haven't met her let alone gotten to know her (or Scarlet) to come to such conclusions.

To each his/her own. 

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 


"Even Matt Damon said she's uptight." You misspelled tabloids.


Perhaps you have never noticed, but we do not all like the same thing!

We choose between vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry.
We choose between McDonald's, Berger King, and Wendy's.
We choose between Coke, Pepsi, and Sam's Club soda.
We choose between the Steelers, the Patriots, or the Broncos.
We choose between Ford, Chevrolet, and Subaru.
And, we sure don't all go to the same movies!!
Or play the same music!!

Different strokes for different folks.

He married her on the rebound. And, she tricked Ben into marrying her! (They got married June 29, 2005 and Violet was born on December 1, 2005; the oldest trick in the book.) You can SAY that doesn't matter anymore, but it STILL DOES! It attests to character and it seems as if those who ignore hundreds of years of societal rules, are more likely to make a mess of their lives.

She reminds me of a laborers child from nowhere; nondescript with coarse features; straight legs and stringy hair. The notion that she spent years practicing ballet is laughable; I can see her as "I Love Lucy at the barre," when Lucille Ball got her foot caught and was hanging from the barre like a monkey. for the past 10 years, It seems as if "motherhood" is just too much for Jennifer, even with "help in the house." For years, she has taken the children out with no sense of pride; IOW, looking like messes. She doesn't seem to know how to comb the girls' hair. Or iron their dresses. Or match their tops and bottoms. Or even dress them for the same weather. I have seen Violet in a filmy sundress (or nightgown) standing on a busy street corner in the sunshine, with her glasses hanging off her face, very crooked, like she just crawled out of bed, while Seraphina is wearing a lined parka, and heavy boots (and has to be sweating like a trooper). Does Garner ever LOOK at those kids before cranking up the SUV, and taking them out in public? (No, I don't expect the kids to be bandbox, like crazy Diana, but I have NEVER seen Violet with combed hair, and her glasses fitting properly. The kids too often look like they were taken straight out of bed and told to be in the car in 5 minutes. There are WAY too many pictures of the Garner-Affleck family; it isn't normal, as if Garner, Affleck, and the brats were the predecessors of the Kardashians.

I often wondered if she pulled the other Diana trick, of calling the paparazzi every day, so she would have all those great pics of HERSELF, and the kids, that she couldn't get any other way, and for free, and were also published in glossy magazines, and also served to increase her popularity to the world. It worked for Diana (and drove the Palace, and Prince Charles, and Scotland Yard, and her own security detail frantic, because of the danger, but she refused to stop calling her "friends" in the paparazzi, who flattered her to keep the "normally" restricted information flowing freely). Diana called them daily and never stopped until 1997 when the paparazzi were partially blamed for her death. Evidently, Ben must have not cared; he was the only one who could put a stop to it and didn't. Or, he tried and gave up. Or, he thought the tabloid press were just so crazy about HIS family that they followed them around and found their usual haunts (the park by the house, the farmer's market, the main street corners in town) and just happened to show up. Whatever the reason, the Garner-Afflecks were followed by the paparazzi, which was odd, since they were not more popular than hundreds of other "movie star" families, and certainly not that good looking, but for the paparazzi, they were easy pickings.

Ben is practically patrician. WHY did he marry so far beneath him? It rarely works out well; everyone knows but the principals who are ALWAYS certain that in their case, all will be well, but it almost NEVER works out that way.

Their children favor their mother; Ben must wonder where his genetics are in the mix. Kids always suffer in the broken home scenario. WHY did she have so many; trying to tie him down? She had to know it was an "iffy" marriage. Reese Witherspoon admitted she had another kid to try to keep Philippe. Did Garner try the same tactic with Affleck? It appears that she "copied" the tactics of Diana, and Reese, and who else? She must have spent a lot of time with those glossy magazines, the kind that had pix of Diana and kids, and Reese and kids, and . . . Jennifer and kids!!! It appears that her motives were to make herself REALLY popular, but not spend any money doing it. (Ben is notoriously cheap and she isn't very clever; just sneaky.)

I am sorry for both of them; but more for him than her. She has done a whole lot of "orchestration" with only herself in mind. Rather than having a trial period (with just the two of them) to see if it was going to work, she forced the issue with a kid right off the bat, then another, then another, and then she woke up and found out the marriage wasn't working. Geez, and the first clue was . . . . . ? She was SO EAGER to land the big fish that she forgot common sense, fairness, honesty, and decency. She just HAD to trap him, and she did, and what does she have now? Another broken home and that is just plain sad and selfish.

And, that is why I do NOT find her the least bit beautiful! Way too many flaws, unfocused, and too many unresolved problems.


I don't watch a lot of TV but I watched the SeaHawks versus Bills Monday Night football game tonight. Jennifer was in a Capital One commercial with her Dad. Always thought she was talented and beautiful but she is so amazingly cute with her Dad in that commercial.
Any guy would be very lucky to have a woman like Jennifer in their life.


Matt's opinion isn't reliable; he and Affleck are borderline co-dependent. Supposedly, at one point, Ben was at his house every night. Makes you wonder what the nature of their relationship really is because that's not normal "married man in his 40s" behavior; even one whose marriage is on the rocks.

I know Jen wasn't keen on Ben's relationship with Kevin Smith but, Smith seems like he's probably an obnoxious guy and wasn't big on him being around frequently so it's understandable.


Sometimes she looks pretty. but, she mostly looks kind of masculine and (while I don't know what her body looks like now) back in the day, when she use to wear lingerie in some scenes or ads, I thought her body looked boxy and unfeminine.

I agree with the poster who said Jen was the rebound girl; she just happened to get knocked up. Ben was at a lowpoint and needed good press so he went with it. I honestly think if she hadn't been pregnant, their relationship would've been barely more than a fling and Ben would've moved on. Their rushed beach wedding with no family and only a couple friends present told me all I needed to know about the nature of that marriage and where it was headed.


Back on the OP's topic...

How could anyone not find her beautiful?

Very simply...people have different tastes..."beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Does that question really need to be asked, or was it rhetorical (I hope)?

.....................Sometimes ya gotta wonder.... 


I think that due to the fact she appears to be a nice person, that adds to her outer looks. Not to familiar with her acting.
