MovieChat Forums > Felicity Huffman Discussion > owes her entire existence to Weinstein

owes her entire existence to Weinstein

She was literally nothing before she did Transamerica. Now she pretends Weinstein doesn't exist. I'm not defending Weinstein, I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy and the MEDIOCRITY that has permeated film for 30 years and just how secure these charlatans are in their position, thanks to HIM.


She didn't know he was a creep.

Also, if Weinstein hadn't produced that film, someone else probably would have. It's not as if he wrote, directed, and cast the film personally.


I don't know if we can say that definitively. Considering the pig that Weinstein is, there could very well been a quid pro quo involved in her casting.


Do you want her to stand up for him, or what? Obviously she doesn't get into it when it barely concerns her
