Desperate Housewife

I think it's funny this DH was so desperate to get her daughter into a "good school." Or was it a son? Loughlin seems to have gotten more press for this than the Huffster. What is the point? Are they afraid their children will be failures if they don't go to a big name college? Where were they when their kids were growing up? Were they monitoring their progress? Aren't there other ways to get by in life? The Debutantes Ball? Nepotism? Inheritance?
Seriously, a kid could go to the local community college, try to get decent grades, and if their parent has dough, could pay for just about any college of their choosing. If not UCLA then USC. How about San Diego State? Who the hell wants to go to Harvard if they aren't up to snuff? Other than the seriousness of state paid officials secretly taking bribes which keep other students from getting into the college of their choice, this whole episode makes me laugh.


On top of it, she's kind of a Bow Wow. If Hatcher or Eva pulled this stunt I wouldn't even blink an eye.
