MovieChat Forums > Felicity Huffman Discussion > Felicity Huffman Considers Herself Oppre...

Felicity Huffman Considers Herself Oppressed

She's Jewish, was born rich, went to a private boarding school, went to expensive private universities, has zero talent, considers herself oppressed. Why not?


Publicly playing the victim is like heroin to these empty husks.


I'm not sure why she added the part about Black & Brown communities it read like a non sequitur. Maybe to get ahead of someone inevitably responding on twitter "this is what happens in B & B communities every day why does it only get reported when it happens to a famous white actress." So getting ahead of that was probably wise even if it seemed out of place.

She didn't outright claim she was oppressed unless I missed it. Seems like more of a critique of the FBI's unnecessary use of force. Couldn't
two agents ring the doorbell with a warrant and calmly tell her she was under arrest?

Other than that she seems to have owned up to her crime and turned her conviction into something positive working with that nonprofit. It's disgusting what she and her accomplices did but I give her some credit for how she handled the aftermath.


Think she went woke. She started volunteering at the non-profit that helps incarcerated women get back on their feet. Mostly black folks there so I guess she got re-educated so-to-speak so now she's turned activist of sort based on that comment that B&B people face this all the time from popo, not about her treatment by the popo on her family.


She was already woke as most of Hollywood is or tries to be. I don't think she was claiming oppression just telling her story good, bad & ugly.


Was that part of her Community Service commitment from the sentencing?


I like how she says she was thinking of her daughters future even though she retook the SAT and still got into a top university. I guess it doesn't take much to get into Drama school.
