His best movie...

I think Thomas Jane's best movie was Stander.


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I say 61*

How do you like that piece of satire?


I can't say for sure, since I haven't seen all his movies. I do like him in The Mist though. I also thought he NAILED The Punisher and was bummed they never made a sequel with him.


Overall I like The Mist, as a movie I think that is his best. Acting wise I thought he did very well in Dark Country and Stander, though Ive never really seen him act poorly.


Without a doubt, 61* is his best work. His portrayal of Mickey Mantle was absolutely perfect and completely riveting. A close second would be The Mist. After that, I would say Stander, The Punisher, and Dark Country round out the top five.

I have to agree with the poster who said that they've never seen him be bad in a movie, although I have seen some bad movies that he was in. Mostly because of the movie, not because of him.

The attempt to force human beings to despise themselves --is what I call hell. - Andre Malraux


My vote is for Original Sin.


Yes, he is great in anything...but I loved him as Todd Parker in Boogie Nights. Absolutely a wonderful, crazy performance it was.

Showed himself to be a competent director in Dark Country as well. Hopefully, he gets a chance to do more. Any problem I had w/ that movie would be with the script.
