Bye kennedy

Reports are coming in that this feminist is being fired. Now she can get back in the kitchen. Too bad rian sjw johnson isnt getting the axe too.


rumor was by September, but they can't find a replacement


I've heard the same thing but I don't believe that. It sounds like wishful thinking.

I would replace her in a heartbeat. And if I did, fans would get the DVD (bluray, 4D, 3D) release of the original theatrical trilogy, the EU back as canon, a reboot of the sequel trilogy with a living and heroic Luke and Rian Johnson fired and all present films mothballed until great scripts can be written by talented well-established creative writers.

Seriously, all they have to do is ask me.



They're giving her rope to hang herself with Indy 5 first before they throw her out on her ass.


Too late, she's already destroyed Star Wars, the bitch.
