MovieChat Forums > Lucy Lawless Discussion > Lucy was first choice for Galadriel

Lucy was first choice for Galadriel

Lucy had her son Judah instead. I remember an interview that Lucy gave a while back and she talked about an acting job(s) she couldn't fulfill back then. I thought it was more episodes of the X Files but this might have been what she meant. Or maybe both roles were impacted.


That would have been so cool but I loved Cate Blanchett in the role


Not to take anything away from Cate, but I think Lucy would have been a great Galadriel. I can't picture Daniel Day-Lewis or Nic Cage as Aragorn, but I can see Russell Crowe as him. No for Sean Connery as Gandalf, but I can see Christopher Plummer in the role. I can definitely picture Uma as Arwen.


I recall hearing that she was asked to audition, but declined because of her pregnancy, but I didn't realize she was first choice for it.


Yes, that was certainly my understanding at the time as well.

I suspect the article exaggerates when it says that these people were first choice. They were name actors being considered, but Peter Jackson is well known for his extensive casting process so I find it hard to believe that he had made choices before auditions.


OMG that sounds so cool


I think the actual asking was much better.


Lots of Xena actors in LOTR. I think there's a high chance she would have gotten the role.
