MovieChat Forums > Lucy Lawless Discussion > Charged: Intent to commit a crime

Charged: Intent to commit a crime

"Lawless 'proud' of drilling ship protest"

"Actor Lucy Lawless says she and seven other Greenpeace activists are proud to have broken into Port Taranaki and occupied an oil drilling rig.

They are charged with entering an enclosed area at Port Taranaki without authority
and with intent to commit a crime after boarding the drill ship Noble Discoverer in February and spending 77 hours up a 58m tower." NZ herald 19/04/2012

What are the legal implications for Ms Lawless regarding her eligibility to work in the USA if she is convicted of all of the above charges?


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the burglary charge was dropped and they pleated guilty to illegally boarding a ship.


Lucky for her. The burglary charge was probably a shock tactic used by the NZ police to force a sea change in her thinking regarding her direct action activism. The powers that be may not be so restrained towards her next time she is in the dock.


Lucky? we'll see. She still has to be sentenced.


Lucy has no criminal record and hopefully will have to serve only community service if anything at all.


I don't think she will go to jail...


As an intellectually credulous ideologue committed to unthinking subservience to radical green political agitation, Ms Lawless will most likely acquire a lengthy rap sheet rather soon. Lawless is said to have a following amongst lesbian prison inmates, who no doubt would delight in inducting a fresh antipodean internee into the tactile realities of high density incarceration.


I would say at a rough guess you have no idea of the legal system in New Zealand.
People do not get incarcerated for political protests.
