MovieChat Forums > Lucy Lawless Discussion > Remember how her activism was meant to e...

Remember how her activism was meant to end her career?

Some people, and by "people" I mean jerks said that her charge and possible arrest was meant to end her career. Does anyone remember this? I can't remember the exact details, but a bunch of IMDb's lowest sub-humans crawled out of their caves to take glee in the fact that there was a possibility of her being arrested and it would kill her career.

Well, all I can say is they must enjoy the taste of humble pie, since 2014-2016 is the most active her career has been since Xena. Several recurring TV shows, guest roles, a lead role in Evil Dead and the possibility of Xena returning. Yup, real dead career there. lol


Lol. I remember. I even replied to one of the low sub-humans. Yes her career is going great. She seems like a very happy person in her personal life too.

Every time you think, "screw it, YOLO", just remember YODO. L


This year has been VERY active for Lucy and I see she has a new project still even after Evil Dead. Go Lucy!


another project? any idea what?

Humankind cannot bear very much reality. ~T.S. Eliot


Her activism has done some good. Shell has stopped their drilling in the Arctic.

Lucy still has a career and will continue to have one as long as she wants it.
