this year...

I am really excited to see how his career is going this year. He has some great movies coming out with lead roles or at least with much more screen time than he has been getting. I think Anchorman 2 has helped people remember him and see more of his talent. I hope it just keeps going up from here. He gets some romantic comedy and suspense movies this year. I haven't seen Anchorman 2 yet but excited to and I rented the Butler and will watch that for my first time. I saw 2 Guns I thought he did great in the movie as a bad guy. And of course I love all his earlier movies except I have to admit there were two I didn't care for....As Cool As I Am and Straw Dogs, which I might try watching it again.



I didn't like As Cool… either. But yes to Straw Dogs.
As Cool.. actually is the only Marsden film I didn't like.


I just saw The Butler last night. As usual James did a marvelous job and I was impressed with his acting and role. There were definitely other things I didn't like about the movie and it is a one time watch for me but yes I liked his role and the son, Louis' role. Those two were my favorite.

I might have to give Straw Dogs anoher shot. All his other movies I enjoyed, even The Box. There is more to that movie than what people see. Oh well their loss.

