MovieChat Forums > Danny Masterson Discussion > Scientology? Can some one explain

Scientology? Can some one explain

Ok so I don't have that much knowledge in
This scientologist department but

I was wondering if their is anyone who can explain
This to me..
Or why is it soo bad for celebrities to be a scientologist?

Is it some sort of religion?

I want to hear everyones opinions about this.
Can someone explain..


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Scientology is considered a religion in the US and some other countries. It is a belief system that includes science more than most. It is hard to really explain everything about it. L. Ron Hubbard was a good writer, esp. Sci-fi and believed in self help. He believed that humans are immortal beings who have lost touch with themselves and scientologist attempt to reconnect with their true selves. They believe in the concept of reincarnation and self discovery, or a way to get to know the true self by auditing, which I believe is self evaluation, but is usually done with a "counselor."

There is a lot to it and if you want to read about it, you can google it or look for it on It sounds more like a continuous therapy mixed with spiritual concepts of many belief systems.

Like all beliefs, there are members who are very vocal about it and maybe fanatical. The media is often trying to find out the "skinny" about them and those who have left the Church usually have bad things to say. Some call it a cult and there are several celebrities who belong to the Church of Scientology and therefore the church has good money flow. They also believe in an alien influence in the evolution of humankind.

The one's that I know will explain it if you ask them, and mind you, these are not stupid people. The scientologists I know are open about their belief and do respect and/or accept that not everyone shares in their beliefs. However, not all are like that and will "get in your face" so to speak. They do not believe in taking medication, this is something I both agree and disagree on. I agree that there are natural forms to treat some things and if you have to go on medication, your goal should be to eventually get to a point where you do need to take it, ex. some mental illness. I disagree that medication for serious mental or physical disorders should be forbidden. I am not entirely sure if they are against treatments such as chemotherapy, etc. especially for children. I keep thinking of Jett Travolta and how he could have been treated. I am not going to put down his father, John Travolta, because he believed he was doing the best thing and he loved that boy more than anything in the world.

In THEORY, it makes sense and is very personal and private. They do believe in a sort of "higher power" but more so, it seems, the here and now. I personally think some of their ideas are good therapeutically, but not all. That is my personal opinion. It is or can be a very complex religion to understand and definitely explain. I am trying to just explain it without making a judgment one way or the other, although I will probably be attacked by other posters for this post. Everyone has an opinion, but I am just trying to explain a little about the philosophy. It is a recognized religion in the US and is a first amendment right. Many do not think it should be, but it is a Constitutional right.

Personally, I think people have the right to believe what they want. However, I do believe that people have a right not to believe something and do not believe that anyone has the right to force their beliefs on you. I am talking a bit of when Tom Cruise criticized Brooke Shields for taking medication for post-pardum depression and stated that anyone who believes in or takes medication are ??? I don't remember what word he used. He had no right to state that because it was his private belief.

Well, I wish I could tell you more, but you can find info on the net that could explain it better than I can. I am sure other people can tell you horror stories about Scientology and why they hate them. I prefer not to because you seemed to be asking about what it is about.

Hoped that helped.


I hope you understand that I was just explaining Scientology and not agreeing with the idea that medication is not to be taken. I don't understand why they believe that. I feel horrible for Jett Travolta. I wonder if his parents think about that.


ill put it you like this.if you have no money you are not welcome in this church.think about that a religion for the elite only


"It is a belief system that includes science more than most. It is hard to really explain everything about it."

I'd like to take issue with this statement if I may. First of all, I'm not a fanatical anti-religion campaigner, ex-scientologist or even a member of any other religion. I have done quite a bit of reading on scientology including just about all of Hubbards mainstream published works. The whole point that scientology is based on science is more the point that the church itself tries to push. However, if you read Hubbards books he stresses that things are "scientific" and that "all the collected evidence shows" this and that but fails to provide the references to indicate the evidence. He claims that scientology scientifically achieves this and that and that these achievements are backed up by years of research and evidence when there is none. And without evidence it becomes fiction - and when fiction is purported as fact it becomes quite dangerous. The issue I have with it is that it seems to include little half truths and then twists that to fit the agenda of scientology - so it's easy for someone to go "you know, I've read that somewhere else before - maybe this guy is onto the truth". This is but one of the many problems within the religion. If you want to pm me or ask me more questions feel free to do so - I've read a little on alot of religions/philosophies as apart of studies/ personal interest.


Scientology was created because of a bet.


Amen. All hail shannonphoenix... arbiter of all that is whitewashed and politically-correct. We can all learn something from your noble and beautiful objective statements
