MovieChat Forums > Carrie-Anne Moss Discussion > Did she join a *beep* stupid independent...

Did she join a *beep* stupid independent movie AGAIN?

Then Im gonna give up on her RIGHT NOW.
I just hate this when she picks this kinda rubbish!
Doesnt she have a little mind at all?!
What does she expect from this thing. AN ACADEMY AWARD? Wait, how can she get an Oscar if Im the only person who'll watch that *beep* in the WHOLE WORLD!
Just so pissed off!
I have something to tell as a VERY VERY BIG FAN. You should just find another *beep* agency or you'll die with 5 awards & 7 nominations and 3 fans, Carrie-Anne.
Tell me thats a *beep* joke and PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER.


WTH are you rambling about?
You obviously are not now and never were a TRUE fan. Carrie-Anne is awesome in everything she is in and I happen to love just about every movie she CHOOSES to star in. She is not a Fame Whore and chooses movies based on what appeals to her which is why her real fans love her.
FYI as evidenced by her message boards and MANY fan sites she has far more than 3 fans.

"There can be only one"


She's a working actress with little power in Hollywood. So she does indies, the occasional studio horror movie and tries to get a pilot every year. If you seriously think she has the power to breeze into a studio and get a job in a major movie, then you're entirely delusional and know little about the industry.

Nobody deserves mime, Buffy.
