MovieChat Forums > Carrie-Anne Moss Discussion > Adam Baldwin on working with CAM

Adam Baldwin on working with CAM

Adam Baldwin, "John Casey"

"I loved working with Carrie-Anne Moss. She's a true professional, and mother of beautiful kids. She's a very stable, relaxed, confident professional to work with, and [Casey got some] sexy time, too. Gomez is hilarious to work with. He always brings the pizzazz to the scene. I'm just the quiet sniper button that gets to hopefully close it out, if the writers give me a good line, at the end. But, I just play off of him and roll with it. We were joking about putting together an Of Mice and Men production, off Hollywood Boulevard. I bet that would be great."

On the Set Farewell to Chuck Part 3: Cast Tears and Favorite Moments
TV Guide


Is there any moment or are there moments in this fifth season that you guys are particularly proud of?

Adam Baldwin; That’s really hard to pinpoint. I’m proud of being able to keep a straight face as much as I can when Zack is working because he’s so damn funny. I’m also proud of surviving scenes being eaten alive by Carrie-Ann Moss. I think that was pretty great. She’s a tigress and I mean that in the best sense of the word. She’s a great professional.

I was really honored to work with an icon like her. When you work with someone, you want them to have their feet planted firmly on the ground and have a good sensibility. Carrie-Ann is a lot like I am in the sense that she’s got a family and is grounded as well as completely professional and a veteran (actor). I take a lot of pride in holding my own in scenes with Carrie-Ann Moss.


Thanks for posting these quotes! Those are some very nice things he said about CAM :)

Michael Jackson forever


You're very welcome.


Wow that is awesome! Of course how could anyone NOT enjoy working with Carrie Anne. Baldwin is one lucky guy.

"There can be only one"
