MovieChat Forums > Ryan Reynolds Discussion > Ryan Reynold's FILM "the Proposal" Funni...

Ryan Reynold's FILM "the Proposal" Funniest Scene...........

Ryan Reynold's Film "The Proposal" funniest scene is when he calls the airplane and that African American woman tries to send a message to Sandra Bullock's character................Such random hilarity!!! I loved that scene made me laugh soooo much, that Airline Steward was sooooo hilarious, who is she??? She should do a collaboration with Ryan Reynold on another film together, she's soooo laugh out loud funny! Was that all improv or was that all scripted?
IT had to have been a improv style.

Anyways I have a possibly a part that might go to Ryan Gosling or Ryan Reynolds. it's called Adventures of Sara Lee.....go to to read the script/scenes with Ryan in it. People say it's quite good. I hope you like it too!

Anyways I'll be moving to Cali/LA in about 1-2 years Please put in a good word for me at the Large Hollywood Studios, I'm mostly a writer but can direct, and thinking about becoming an actress.

I can also help actors/actresses/celebrities with marketing and promoting their past films and promoting their personal's a list of marketing services I offer actors/actresses/celebrities:

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(Promoting Your Current Film/Past films)

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