MovieChat Forums > Katey Sagal Discussion > Katie, your politics Suck

Katie, your politics Suck

So beautiful, so pretty, and a great actress. but when you went on the Roseanne Roast, you blew it for me by roasting Romney's Wife. Really?
Don't you realize that when you do that, you alienate your fans. And although i will continue to watch Futurama, I'm glad i don't have to look at you anymore. I just see you as a Hateful person now. So like all the other Hollywood dumb braindead morons, ... well.. your just one of them. I roll my eyes now when i see you on tv and think to myself.. lord, another Lefty LIb Hollywierdo.

God, please don't turn out as bad as Roseanne.


Here we go again. Another Tina Fey/Sarah Palin thing, only characters are different this time. F----ng hell.


Boo-hoo, you Repugs are always whining and crying foul about something. Go and watch your hilarious "news" network, or listen to your fat, drug-addled radio talk show pig.

Since most Americans and the world agree with Katey, I'm sure she won't mind losing you as a fan, even though you never were.

Go trolling elsewhere, crybaby!


It's a roast- grow a sense of humor.

I love her politics- beautiful, great actress, and INTELLIGENT. Triple threat!


My thoughts exactly! Rebel you are my hero.

Russel: You might as well be praying to leprechauns or unicorns or the mother *&$# Kardashians!


Funny how often conservatives imagine celebrities shouldn't voice a political opinion... unless they follow right-wing catechism? Don't see a lot of criticism of Charlton Heston, Ted Nugent or Dennis Miller on Fox.

The beauty of being a liberal is inherit in the word "Liberal". To allow. Liberals generally don't muster the kind of silly, reactionary vitriol you are posting here.


If somebody criticized a right-wing celebrity like OP did they'd be all acting like a persecuted minority at this time

"liberals want to censur us, again!"


Why can't you people stop generalizing. I am a republican, and I don't give a damn what Katey's politics are. I am concerned with her acting talents, which I find considerable. I don't care what she does otherwise and it doesn't alienate me one bit. But it is annoying when one idiot says something stupid and we all get tarred. We aren't all like that any more than all dems are Obama worshipers.


Lol, so she alienated right-wing nut jobs and people that blindly vote for morons based on their political affiliation?

Get over it, you semi-literate partisan drama queen.

If you actually had ANY sort of intelligent input regarding economics, politics, or ANY sort of self worth... you wouldn't be posting this tripe on a movie site.

You would be yelling it at your husband over the screaming baby in your trailer park.

Not to mention you cant even spell her name right. Wow, illiteracy, ignorance and extreme political views. SHOCKING.

