Nude scenes?

Has Jean appeared nude on screen before?


based on my research she hasnt done any nude scenes yet and this is the reason why she is still consider an underrated actress because most of the actresses in Hollywood have done it.Still Jean Smart possess talent and beauty. Kim Cattral her look a like have a breast exposure on Sex and the City etc but JS hasnt


She said in an interview that a woman approached her on an airplane and said, "My husband says he's seen you naked." Jean replied, "No, he's seen Kim Cattrall naked, not me." So, she has never appeared nude on screen. Plus, it would probably be a little wierd for her teenage matter how hot my mom may be, I never want to see her nude!!!


yes she was on the airplane and and man approached her. So, Richard Gilliland told his wife"He thinks he seen you naked". Besides during Jean Smart prime (when she was still in her 30s and 40s she really didnt appeared in any nude scenes) Not that she already has an 18 year old son its just Jean Smart really did not appeared in any nude scene at all.Yes you are right despite the fact she still hot at 56 and looking gorgeous as ever
and indeed she has great natural boobs at all! :)


In season 5 of "24", I think it's the 3rd episode. She flashes one of her voluptuous boobs (sadly it's kept in her bra).


I hope I can have sex with her some day.


"I hope I can have sex with her some day."

Tell that to Jean's husband, Richard. :)


I don't think actors worry about their children seeing them naked when they do a nude scene. First of all, it's very easy to simply not watch the movie if you are uncomfortable with seeing your parent in something awkward. (Many kids might not want to see their parent die in a movie, either.)

Secondly, in many other countries, it's no big deal to see relatives nude. And one can look at one's mom even, see an attractive body, and not have it mean you also desire intimacy. The whole naked body taboo is left over puritanism that needs to go away and stay away.

It's not that hard to separate nudity from sexuality, and instead connect it to personality, companionship, and compatibility instead. If you pick your girlfriend based on more than nice tits, it's not hard to look at your mom's body and not think "girlfriend"!
