

What’s your question



What are you basing it on



Ohh you think it’s the 90s . Cheers friend


no, I don't i'm in the present, just wanted to have a discussion of mental health, maybe a little shit talking in the nicest way possible


We have a shamer...



According to California law, at least, in order to qualify for a long-term conservatorship, Britney Spears has to be pretty damn helpless. Unable to manage her own affairs. Gravely disabled. Suffering from a severe mental or physical illness that leaves her unable to function as an independent adult.

Most adults who are under conservatorship are mentally handicapped or delayed, suffer from a chronic mental illness such as schizophrenia, or are elders suffering age-related mental changes (dementia or senility). So my guess is either that she suffers from a disabling mental illness, or her IQ is a bit lower than we think.
