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40 years old and still under conservatorship ?

Wow, even if she is crazy or drug-addicted, or whatever, a functioning 40 year old should be in charge or her own affairs. If they put everyone not of sound mind under conservatorship at least 74 million Americans would need to be conserved, probably for life.


That's probably why she she's had issues with drugs and the big freak out in 2008. It all makes a lot more sense now.


Not everyone has a tremendous amount of cash and an entire estate to run.


She's probably bipolar or suffers from some sort of identity disorder which lead to her breakdown. Her father stepped in to help but by this point it's clear things have gone on far too long.


I believe it's been revealed that she's on lithium, which is really only prescribed for bipolar disorder. There may be other things going on in addition to the bipolar, which make her genuinely incapable of managing her own affairs, and believe me, the issues that would qualify for some a long-term conservatorship are not issues that get better or go away with time.

Most conserved adults are older people with dementia, the developmentally delayed, and people with disabling mental illnesses such as schizophrenia. Since it's not dementia or severe developmental delay, really the only thing that could legally qualify her for conservatorship is a disabling, long-term mental illness.


Drugs are never healthy. I've seen the damage it does to people or how it alters the state of mind of someone even if it's just anti-depressants. You aren't really you if you start taking these even though it does help to some degree. I think there some be more natural ways to address these issues rather than just popping the pill to solve every life issue humans face related to the mind.


FYI people with severe, disabling, or life-threatening mental illnesses don't have a lot of good options, or any. If a person with severe depression will stop feeding themselves and die without medication, then they have to take medication. If a person with bipolar disorder will experience lows that drive them to suicide or highs that drive them to quit their jobs, throw away all their money, and play in the traffic because they believe they're superhuman, then they need to take mood-stabilizing medication or they will be unable to function in today's society or be hit by a car and die.

People don't legally qualify for conservatorship unless they have a severe, disabling, long-term mental illness that will never go away on its own, and the presumption is that Britney Spears has such an illness. Such mental illnesses are organic diseases of the brain involving measurable changes in neurotransmitter levels, not just being messed up or unhappy, and the ONLY known treatment for such diseases is psychoactive medication.

And people don't like taking the stronger psych meds, they have side effects and can make people feel like zombies or cause weight gain or whatever a specific medication does. But they are the best option available to people with severe mental illnesses, the only option that allows them to live normal lives.


this is life under the failed leadership of dementia Joe, why does he let this happen?

Free Britney!




sad times we are living in...


I miss the days when Trump was president and all the Hollywood jews were being outed/arrested as pedos, molestors, or rapists. They did everything to get their protection back and now this horseshit


It has nothing to do with what is best for her it has everything to do with her dad trying to use her as his personal cash cow and milking her on a regular basis.

She had a breakdown... lots of people have a nervous breakdown but they also go back to normal life on their own withing months. She should have been on her own years ago. Now would she have pissed away everything she had? Maybe, probably pissed away a lot of it on stupid things... but so what. Lots of people spend their money on stupid shit and lots of people that make it big end up penniless... it isn't something courts need to get involved in. If that is the idea for courts then the courts should be out there banning all sort of stupid things that people waste money on.


She clearly autistic and everyone is scapegoating the dad who literally is her handler because she needs one. She always looked retarded.


Autistic? No way. She's shown none of the signs of autism, I have seen many people that are really autistic and that isn't something I would every attribute to her, nor would she appear to be retarded in any form or fashion. She may be dumb as a stump, as that is often what you get with child actors which she was since starting out as a kid on Mickey Mouse Club where the kids often got no real education growing up. But there is no evidence of any real problem beyond her having a breakdown, although some of what she did was more indicative of someone that was very rational. Remember when she shaved her head and people thought she was batshit crazy? Well when you throw in the fact that she was in the middle of a divorce and her husbands lawyers was going to request the court to compel her to provide a hair sample so they could use the hair to see if she had used various drugs in the past.. if you were someone that knew you had used drugs what she did was rational as a way to eliminate the evidence. A bit like flushing your stash down a toilet.

Now what you cannot do is justify the dad taking 16,000/month when he was/is not even there following her 24/7. He's pulling in 192,000 a year where prior to this he was a welder. Apparently has zero education in business or finance and yet is in charge of her financial affairs. This type of action by the court really brings up the question of whether the judge was paid off as it makes zero sense to put someone that is clueless when it comes to business matters in charge of someone that is basically a multimillion dollar business.


The whole thing smells fishy. The father is pulling in 192,000 a year, but the legal team are getting about $1M per year

They're forcing her to work when it seems that she wanted to marry, have children and focus in the family. She's almost 40. When she's supposed to have children? In her 50s?


It is ridiculous. It really reminds me of that Netflix show I Care a Lot... only I think the judge in this case is involved as no real judge would put a welder in charge of the financial affairs of a millionaire, it would make as much sense as some judge deciding to appoint the janitor of JP Morgan as the acting CEO of the company. It simply makes no sense at all.

I mean I understand she would more than likely piss away everything she had, could easily marry some gold digging hustler that was only in it for her money... but so what. People make stupid decisions everyday in this country and the government isn't supposed to be involved in keeping people from doing stupid things like buying frivolous shit or marrying scum bags. She should be allowed to do as she like as long as she isn't trying to kill herself or others, which doesn't seem to be the case.


Autism is a broad spectrum and she is on it. She doesnt need to wear a helmet and drool. She got married divorce and married again in the same year. And look to who. She clearly has no social awareness and when you hear her sing and talk she sounds retarded. Something is off about her face too. Signs of downs, maybe one extra or missing chromosome, or fetal alcohol syndrome. And like most tards, family has to take care of them until they die. This autistic moron just happened to shake her ass for some money and fame, so it's a unique case.


Nope. You haven't a clue what autism is nor how it is diagnosed.


Wouldn't be surprised to find out the dad is giving huge kick backs to the judge who forced the conservatorship on her


Hence...she is NOT functioning.

She was declared unable once, it's a bitch to be declared fine if you are an imbecile like her.


The judge recently renewed both guardianship of her person and property. That means her mental problems are serious and ongoing. Some people never recover. Spears wants her conservatorship removed by public opinion. She has doctors who routinely analyze her and give their reports to the judge. They know their job.

"Confidential court records obtained by The New York Times showed that the pop star had voiced serious opposition to the conservatorship earlier than had previously been reported. They also showed that the conservatorship restricted aspects of her life, ranging from who she dated to the colour of her kitchen cabinets.

"She feels the conservatorship has become an oppressive and controlling tool against her," a court investigator wrote in a 2016 report. The conservatorship had "too much control," Spears said, according to the account of the conversation. "Too, too much!"

In November 2020, a judge declined to remove Mr Spears but named financial firm the Bessemer Trust as a co-conservator of her estate instead.

A month later, the judge extended Mr Spears' conservatorship until September 2021."

Detailed article:
