MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > Posts (nearly) nude pics of herself

Posts (nearly) nude pics of herself

She is not smart AT ALL. She's not even intelligent enough to realize how she portrays herself. No wonder she has a conservatorship.


WTF is wrong with you???


She's trying to prove she's mentally competent and declined a psych eval because she said she doesn't trust her doctor (paranoia), which resulted in her bid to control her own life. A week later she posts a topless pic. She's not smart enough to see she is shooting herself in the foot. If she was even a little intelligent, she would do everything in her power to appear sane; and she continually does the opposite.


SHES A CELEBRITY. WHO MAKES MONEY ON HER SEX APPEAL AND SINGING. nothing wrong with her showing a bareback picture of herself on facebook. It's not dirty and not caused by a mental breakdown. She is almost a 40 year old woman. She being take advantage of and its BS...


I didn't say it was "dirty", I said it was stupid and indicative of her stupidity and poor decision-making.

Yeah, it's everyone else.


How is it a stupid or poor decision???


How is it that you don't understand this? Win your court case then do whatever you want but until then, lay low! I don't think there's anything wrong with the picture but she's in the middle of a COURT BATTLE! Don't give your opposition ANY ammo.


You are a moron as well.


Why discuss the case when you can just name call? Knumbknutz.


Why make stupid comments??? She is NOT engaging in any type of inappropriate behavior. Destructive or otherwise. She merely posted a picture of her bare back.


I didn't make any stupid comments and I stated my reasoning why I don't think she's being smart about her court case.


If she was out posting pics of herself smashing windows I would agree with you. That is not happening here...


All I'm saying is the smart thing to do is lay low. Don't do anything that could even be perceived as controversial. Will that picture harm her court case? Probably not, but it might. He opposition, I'm sure would use anything they can get their hands on against her. Why risk it?


You sound very irrational. Unhinged, even.


You are the unhinged moron who made this stupid thread, with an inaccurate title. You were just begging to invite people like me to give you a written thrashing...😂😂😂


Chilone said it nicely since you don't seem to understand me.


It's her back, not even her ass. That qualifies as a "nearly nude" pic nowadays?


Not wearing clothes does mean nude, yeah.


- I was jerking off to this nude pic, so HOT!
- Dude, that pic, it's just her nose.
- Yeah, but she wasn't wearing clothes when she took it!


Did you just have a stroke? Should I send help?


Damn. I wonder how her ass looks nowadays


Her face looks rough, but she still looks to be in great shape.


Wow a picture of her back and you're acting like a puritan witch hunter. Bet you have no problem with trans people showing their Wang to kids at pride parades or day spas though huh


" Bet you have no problem with trans people showing their Wang to kids at pride parades or day spas though huh "

Christ, you are brain damaged.


And yet you're the idiot who thinks a grown woman showing her back is nudity and not intelligent. Fuck off with your puritan bullshit


Your comprehension is so incredibly bad. It's probably because you are so angry all the time.


Go defend more paedophiles instead of being mad a grown woman is posting a picture of her back you SICK FUCK way to prove me right


Jesus Christ. This Woman is clearly out of control and requires someone to take care of her. Prayers for Britney.


"This Woman is clearly out of control and requires someone to take care of her."

I have a large and comfortable bed and would gladly take care of her for months!


Me too!
I just want to see her get better. Poor thing.


You guys certainly are humanitarians! Bless you both.


And yet you defend a gay SF choir singing about grooming kids. You're one SICK individual


Is that really her? Britney has a tattoo on the back of her neck. This picture doesn't.


I see absolutely nothing wrong with that picture at all. It could be much worse and this is not a sign of her intelligence or ability to take care of herself. Any judge that looked at that photo and determined her incapable of making decisions for herself is the real idiot.
