MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > Thank you conservatorship for keeping he...

Thank you conservatorship for keeping her alive!

Superstars, when left to their own devices, will kill themselves via drug use/alcoholism/poor decisions.

She went off the rails young and they nipped it in the bud.

She hasn't ended up like Elvis or Michael Jackson.

Her career choices have been good as well. She's worth millions, not broke, not oweing millions or facing bankruptcy.

I wish her well while they work out the kinks of her conservatorship. Hopefully a good balance can be found.


She's been under a conservatorship for over a decade. She doesn't get to make choices, and is forced to work and perform instead of taking a break and starting to have some kids like she wants. The main reason she went nuts is because she was forced to work at a young age and never had a chance to have a real childhood and mature properly.

What started as well intentioned and needed has turned almost into servitude. It should have been ended long ago and it's continued existence proves what a joke the "legal" system can be in this country.
