MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > Now it's her sister's fault

Now it's her sister's fault

People who blindly support her, are you insane? "It's everyone else's fault" is a classic sign of mental illness. Narcissism, paranoia, delusions - take your pick. That's not to say no one has ever wronged her, but my God, can you really be so stupid as to believe she has NO problems? She is fucking NUTS. Look at her body language and the way she speaks. She is erratic and child-like. We can SEE it if we simply choose to watch her. That's not even counting the public nervous breakdown and incidents where she put her (infant) kid in danger.


I am not a Britney supporter by any means and I admit she's nuts, but she may be right on this one. Her sister said she pulled a knife on her, and Brit says she didn't. Any corroborating evidence?

Maybe her sister is just looking for a payday by telling stories.


Speaking of evidence:

"Maybe her sister is just looking for a payday by telling stories."


The reality is Jamie is making money by telling a story if the story she tell is filled with nothing but things about herself no one will give a shit and buy the book. If she throws out stuff about her sister then she knows more people will by the book. Jamie has a vested interest in throwing in things about her sister, she also knows if she says we like to do each others nails and talk that no one will give a shit, but if she throws out things like she tried to kill me then the sales go up. The credibility of the story is very suspect. If someone pulls a knife on you then you file a police report... if you don't do that then odds are you are just making up a story to try and make money.

Britney should file a lawsuit against her sister and sue her into poverty.


"Britney should file a lawsuit against her sister and sue her into poverty."

Weird how she's taken no action against all these people who conspired against her.


She isn't an archer why would she use a bow against anyone?


Speaking of evidence:

"Maybe her sister is just looking for a payday by telling stories."

Yes, maybe. Her sister may be telling stories either real or imagined. Without corroborating evidence it' a she said/she said thing.


My point seems to have been missed.

What evidence is there she's lying and/or that Britney is telling the truth?


This is not going to end well for Britney and afterwards all the folks who mindlessly supported her are going to wash their hands clean of this.


Right?! What the fuck are these people (her supporters) thinking? This woman is clearly nuts. CLEARLY. Just watch her Instagram posts. She's erratic. She doesn't speak or move like a normal person. She's like a 40-year old on Ritalin with the mental capacity of a 13 year old.

Her supporters seem to think this means you're rooting against her. I'm not. I'm just not blindly supporting her. She's nuts and was clearly on meds and under watch for a reason. She can't take care of herself and it will be proven.


I'm not really sure there's much reason to believe an uncorroborated accusation from Jamie here. It's like the Chris Noth thing that just happened, at least, initially. Like maybe the stories are true, but it's just someone saying something happened some time ago.


"I'm not really sure there's much reason to believe an uncorroborated accusation from Jamie here."

" it's just someone saying something happened some time ago."

Like Britney - who has known mental health problems - saying here mom, dad, sister, doctors, lawyers, and judges are all "in on it"?


I don't see the "in on it" quote in your article.

Jamie said a story. Britney is denying it. It doesn't matter what Britney's mental health problems may be. Why are we taking Jamie's story seriously in the first place?
