MovieChat Forums > Britney Spears Discussion > Ex-hubby Federline says Britney's father...

Ex-hubby Federline says Britney's father saved her life

Paparazzi surrounded Britney during her mental crisis when she roamed stores at midnight and even entered her home. One aggressive photographer hanger-on had the nerve to tell Britney's own mother to leave her house while he stayed. This wasn't going to end well. Remember this "Leave Britney Alone" guy?:

Never a fan, but I was relieved when her father finally stepped in and took charge. He banned the paparazzi, hired some bodyguards, got her the mental help she needed and became her conservator.

Very sad that she has turned on him and other family members. It's good that her ex is speaking out in her father's defense. Perhaps, he remained conservator for too long, but he did save her from herself.

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Federline's worried that his gravy train is about to come to an end. He's been using the money for Britney's sons to raise the kids he has with three other women. Now he's probably worried they're going to start looking more closely at his finances.




Britney wasn't fit to care for her own children.

I notice the boys prefer to be with Kevin rather than their own mother. He provides stability and protected them when their mother had her meltdown.

There should be yearly accountings with receipts to make certain the money is spent on her sons. Kevin isn't the one who needed a conservator.


Unfortunately there hasn't been proper accounting. Federline held the kids over Britney and James Spears head. He wanted more money, her father signed the checks no questions asked. Now hopefully there will be some accounting.


Accounting is done by the courts. They want receipts.

Child support is done by the courts. There should be a formula they use to help determine the amount.


Yes, he did. But he also cashed in off her back. Maybe his motivation went beyond saving her life, b/c he overstepped the boundaries of a typical conservator.


Says who? Paranoid Britney? She's attacking her father, sister, her children, Kevin, her mental treatment which helped. I think the problem is with her. She complains about 4 months in a mental institution. It's almost impossible to be held in one - especially for that long - unless there is major mental illness.

I'm sure her sons are typical bratty teens and her father is a lowlife. But, he still stepped in when she needed him to because her mother was and is too timid.

You know it's in Sam Asghari's best interest to isolate Britney from her family. More money for him.


I began with "Yes, he did." I didn't disagree with your assessment of her or her mental state. But the structure, as analyzed by third parties, and parties (lawyers) who were once part of it, described it as something other than a typical conservatorship. It was a management team (a bunch of lawyers) as well, that massaged the situation, where they (and her father) had an interest in getting her out there and performing again, and taking a % of her earnings. No matter what her mental state, she's the cash cow. So, get her well, keep her safe? Or get her well enough to get out there and earn for all of us? Maybe she should never have performed again. Maybe rehabbing her health was a means to another end -- aka padding their own wallets handsomely. You seem to make the leap to Asghari's best interests while ignoring her father and his group's best interest. He made that group and himself rich after they set up shop under "We were just helping her."


Not typical because she's rich. Her father's fees don't appear excessive. Conservators receive a fee based on statute. Likely managing her career which is another fee and was approved by the court. Money managers, tax and investment advisors receive fees.

"Aside from his salary as conservator — now about $16,000 per month, plus $2,000 a month for office space rent — Mr. Spears was approved by the court to receive a percentage of various deals signed for his daughter."

"the probate investigator concluded in 2016 that the conservatorship remained in Ms. Spears’s best interests based on her complex finances, susceptibility to undue influence and “intermittent” drug issues, though the report called for “a pathway to independence and the eventual termination of the conservatorship.”"

"Britney spent 30 days at an L.A. mental health facility after she began rapidly going downhill ... she stopped taking the drugs that kept her stable after they stopped working and doctors still have been unable to find the right combination."

Her present husband is helping to escalate the discord between her and her children. Why?
"Those gathered, including the judge and lawyers on both sides, raised the possibility that Ms. Spears’s boyfriend was provoking her discontent."

If true, that's not good. Her sister said she was paranoid which explains her attacks on everyone in her family.

Initially, her father had temporary conservatorship. Her mother, brother or someone else could've petitioned at that time, but didn't.


She seems to be going off the rails again. Did the court get an independent psych evaluation of her before ending the conservatorship? I remember looking for that information at the time and I never found it.


She didn't want one and it appears the judge agreed. It sounds like the case was influenced by the public which is what she wanted.

"Safety net” set up: Addressing the court, Rosengart said a “safety net” will be in place for Britney Spears’ finances and personal care after a Los Angeles judge terminated her conservatorship Friday. Assets will now be transferred from Spears’ temporary conservator to the singer’s trust, the judge said. A medical evaluation will not be required for Spears, according to the judge."


Thanks for the info. I think the judge erred in this case.


You're welcome. So do I.


You didn't quote this from the same NY Times article.

"The dual role of looking out for Ms. Spears’s best interests as conservator and reaping more profits each time she performed was “fraught with conflict,” according to W. Michael Hensley, a probate lawyer in California who works as a fee examination expert and is not involved in the Spears case."

I wonder if dear old dad comes swooping in if it didn't mean he'd get rich in the process. I'm sure he saw no opportunity here, with that "approved" % of her deals only being approved b/c they asked for it. So I wonder what the motivation is after the court says "Yes, you can take a cut of what she makes going forward"? Stay home, get well for as long as it takes? Or let's get you back out there earning in that healthy arena that helped destroy you in the first place? If you think she's loopy right now, like most of us do, how the hell was she back in business career-wise after her original meltdown in that time frame? She didn't need to go back to being a mega-million performer and recording star to sustain her -- and HIS -- existence. Some caring relatives, singularly focused on her health, may not have taken anything but the barest minimum, if that. Being entitled to certain monies doesn't mean you have to take them from the pot. Helping her (while also being her Colonel Parker) was the best, most lucrative gig he could ever imagine -- much better than being on the outside looking in, which is where he was before all this.


She and her father were estranged when she first became sick and he had his own issues. The problem is that no other family member could or would step in to help her.

I don't believe Britney will ever regain her mental health 100%. Personally, I believe blood is thicker than water so I question if her third husband will look out for her. Meanwhile, she and her entire family are at war so she appears in a vulnerable situation.


It's not just family. She made gobs of money for people in the industry, and had all the celebrity friends who don't need her money, but no one stepped up to help without ulterior motive. When you're a vulnerable Golden Goose, you attract a certain type, like that creep who was stuck to her at that lowest point, or her father, or a boyfriend/husband who pretends that she's not as ill as she seems. And if she were not Britney Spears, or could no longer draw, or the bank account dried up, that type would disappear as well.

But I don't let her off the hook either. Sometimes people in trouble make it extremely difficult for you to help them. They can wear out well-intentioned souls.


Celebrity friends have no authority to get her into treatment and become her conservator. Only her parents at that time.

Why should anyone work for free? Being a conservator, manager and advisor are jobs. Britney didn't work for free. And I doubt she could manage and invest her own money or set-up her own gigs. She has a network of $60 million so she profited. She needs to stop whining when real folks are struggling financially.

I believe her attacks on everyone are part of her paranoia. I'm sure her family cares and loves her.


I wasn't talking about celebrities becoming conservators. That's not the only help one can provide. She was obviously alone, after the phonies run away, when the opportunists see a chance to move in.

And you keep skipping past whether resuming her career was the best thing for someone who we still believe is ill, while also reserving your cynicism for everyone but her family, despite their checkered history even prior to the meltdown. Blood doesn't provide immunity, and sometimes it's the poison itself. The idea that ulterior motives couldn't possibly exist b/c of familial ties is absurd. Family members screw each other over money all the time. And the more of it at stake, the more the thought process turns rotten. No one is making bank without her, so paranoia isn't rare or necessarily unwarranted when you're someone in her position, the star, the wallet that pays for it all. I'm sure if she turned on Asghari over money now, you'd suddenly buy into her claim.


Remember this?

"he (Adnan) reportedly began shopping around a sex tape of the singer"

Thank God her father stepped in and saved her from herself and these vultures. You keep talking money. Her father saved her LIFE!

The youtube guy and Federline are right.


I said, "Yes, he did." from the start. You can't seem to accept the idea that both things can be true, save her life AND obviously cash in by getting her out there performing again with him taking a %. Conflict of interest. Period. Optimal mental health may not best be achieved via Vegas residency, but it sure rakes in the cash for everyone. He had control, and used it for more than what was best for her health. It wasn't a purely selfless act to save his child. What was he doing for a living before that? Making less or more than his new career as conservator? A real dad wouldn't give a crap about reviving her career if she still wasn't well. A real dad wouldn't have a squad of lawyers to turn a conservatorship into a lucrative career takeover for themselves in the process. These concepts aren't new. Friends and family become vultures too once the numbers get big. Imagine the lifestyle change, move in, then put everything on Britney's credit card. From the outhouse to the compound. Everyone on the payroll. It's all for Britney's sake. My ass.


Nothing more annoying than a rich brat with a $60 million networth crying over money. Perhaps her dad should have let her marry paparazzi boyfriend Adnan without a prenup.


But her dad needed to bleed a % of earnings b/c 16k/month just wasn't enough for one old guy to live on? It's not him they come out to see. And by the looks of her in those early comeback clips, she should've been nowhere near the public stage. She looked like a deer in headlights, obviously doped on meds, and not all there, but dad booked the gigs anyway, b/c he cares so much about her and not his own wallet. Maybe if he didn't have that cut, he wouldn't care so much about her rebooting her career. Maybe the more important side, her health, would be the one and only focus. You know, like a DAD would for his DAUGHTER, instead of "Daddy's here to save his little girl -- but we'll need to talk about my cut. The lawyers are right outside."


I think you could argue it both ways. As a pop singer, she has a pretty short shelf life and if she wanted to to make real money doing the only thing she knows how to do, the window was closing quickly. So her father put her out there with a large support system. BTW, a professional manager would have likely taken a much bigger cut of the profit than her father did (see Col. Tom Parker).


I know a manager would do that, but we're talking about her father, where the thought was to extend her shelf life as a member of the living, never mind her career. The idea that his motivation is beyond question due to blood relation is silly. That's what I was arguing against. That the alternative vultures are worse doesn't put his motivation above suspicion. The idea that this novel structure was created by a bunch of lawyers finagling to conjoin conservatorship with career management doesn't suggest lack of ulterior motive. Some fathers would not have taken a dime, even if they were entitled to it, or they'd take whatever she decided to give them. Saving her changed his fortunes as well. From estranged to running the show and becoming rich from it.


The reason why Britney needed a conservator even though she worked:


still confused why any of us non-family give any shits about britney. oh well, maybe its a weird hobby to some


That's easy. Britney used the media and public to end her conservatorship and is likely using them now for record sales and to hurt her family.

I'm not a fan, but I was shocked to see her repeatedly popping-up in the news with paparazzi exploiting her mental illness many years ago. Her father finally stepped in, banished them and helped her. Anyway, Federline is only reminding people of that.


I never knew what to think about that. I know the media always painted him as a villain taking advantage of his daughter's success. Refreshing to see there is another side to the story and he really was acting in her best interests.

If I have learned anything over the last five or six years, it is to never trust the mainstream media.
